Groupies of the Gourd
Spread the knowledge of Zombie Pumpkins to the masses. Your goal is to make the uninitiated remember the Zombie Pumpkins name and pumpkin artwork. Think of it like a street team, but more like... a SCREAM team. This goes beyond just telling your friend. You'll need to think of something that gets the attention of groups of people.
Followers of the Fruit
If you can prove you've done this, you'll have a chance to win rewards - such as the "Minions" gear shown here, and more. Your photos and creations may also be displayed on this site, as well as the Zombie Pumpkins social media accounts.

Servants of the Squash
So... are you a Zombie Pumpkins Minion? Contact me and show me what ya got! Remember, I'm probably going to need pics to prove it!
Here are some creative and ambitious ways that others have earned their official Minion rank.
In the News
Is your carving work getting recognition in the press? Get Zombie Pumpkins a plug on TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine.
Public Displays and Demonstrations
Create an impressive Zombie Pumpkins display in a high traffic spot. Or hold a public carving demo (using Zombie Pumpkins patterns) for a crowd.
Marking your flesh for life is a serious decision not to be taken lightly. And yet some brave and amazing souls out there sport Zombie Pumpkins ink.
Musicians and Storytellers
Composers and poets have written rhyme and lore about the Zombie Pumpkins. Can you craft a song, story or poem that gets published for distribution?
Celebrity Encounters
There are many pumpkin patterns based on celebrities. Capture a photo of that star with their pumpkin likeness, and tell 'em Zombie Pumpkins sent ya!
Come up with your own mission
You're not limited to the ideas above. If you can think of other ways to get public attention for Zombie Pumpkins, you might also qualify. Anything that gets the name out to the masses!