Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
I've had a hard time getting motivated to start carving. I have 12 or 13 pumpkins just sitting there waiting for me to bring them to life. It wasn't until the Hessian Horseman made an appearance today that I got really excited. Plus, I received my Stick and Carve paper today. It was too much at once and I had to carve. I plan on posting my review of the Stick and Carve as well.

For my first carve I give you Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman! I am really not happy with my picture taking skills with the props I tried to use. I included just a close up pumpkin picture because it shows the detail (teeth) a little better. Hopefully my other pictures will turn out better because I really am disappointed with this one. I also really wanted a severed head, but that proved hard to find today and I didn't have the patience to wait till I made one. At least his sword is with him.


Last edited by Raven on Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:01 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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By Raven
ghostface wrote:Just like I said on Facebook, I LOVE IT!! Great pattern and great carve! So far my favorite this year!
You can see the pictures here then? If so then I did it right, it's just Ajax's IPad.. :)
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By nosferatu
And my iPad too. Likewise I'm sure it's amazing. This is almost like a Ryan style tease. I can't wait to see it in the flesh!
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By Raven
nosferatu wrote:And my iPad too. Likewise I'm sure it's amazing. This is almost like a Ryan style tease. I can't wait to see it in the flesh!
I went ahead and hosted them with tinypic. Maybe now they will show up on iPads?
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By nosferatu
And I wasn't disappointed! They are fabulous! The pattern looks so much better carved. Oh my word, I love that sword and the setting are perfect. Wow! This year's gallery will be amazing! Awesome job Ravens. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Ravens, you're disappointed with these photos? Well you a perfectionist with high standards then! (I can relate). In my eyes, these photos are AMAZING! Awesome carve, awesome lighting, awesome props. The sword works perfectly. Nice photo composition. You're going to knock us out with your photos again this year, I can already tell.

I'm glad that the Hessian pattern and the chance to test Stick 'n Carve has spurred you to start carving. I hope the excitement continues. You have me excited to carve now.

By the way, what is used for the backdrop in the photo with the sword?
User avatar
By amandap80
Great job, I am excited to carve this one myself! Love your props, and the photo looks great!
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