Any creepy topic that doesn't fit the categories below.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Here's another question: Do you give candy to anyone that comes to the door on Halloween night? Have you ever tried to deny a treat to someone for reasons like "You don't even have a costume" or "You're 7 feet tall, you're obviously too old to be ringing my doorbell."

For the most part, I think trick-or-treating is for the kids. I get a little frustrated when I run out of candy to hand out, because it's all been taken by teenagers with no costume whatsoever. Show some effort people! :roll:
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By Jessi
I get frustrated. too. But some kids that come with no costume really are kids. I started thinking that maybe they come from a poor family that can't afford costumes. If you think of it that way...but I guess the kid could come up with some creative way to get dressed up if he wanted to. Like wear an old football jersey or dress up in old clothes with dirt smeared on them and go as a bum.

The older kids are what really get me. I mean, give it up, man. I'm only 5'2 and I could easily pass for a 12 year old with the right costume, but Trick or Treating is for kids! An older kid with no costume is the worst. The teenagers that come to my house get a box of raisins.
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By Wedge
So last year we had a group of kids, maybe 15-16. No costumes. I figured I would give them a piece just for being out. I asked about costumes and they said they were homeless people(real creative). 10 minutes later they returned saying they were singers of a band. They were still wearing the same thing! I said no I already gave you some. Theyleft and came back in about 15 minutes with hats on saying they weer baseball players. This time it was about 9:00 and all the kids stopped about 7:30 in our area. I opened the door saw them, said "No way" and closed the door. After they left I loclked the front gate and turned out the porch light. Those kids were a pian and I hope we don't see them this year.
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By Nikki
Oh man that sounds like it was a pain! We normally give candy to everyone..I normally don't hand out the candy m,yself haha these past few years I've had somewhere to go and hang out.. :P
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By tone
Jessi wrote:The teenagers that come to my house get a box of raisins.
You should empty some "Sugar Baby" boxes and refill them with raisins... :twisted:

That way, they think "score!!" and it's not until they get home that they realize all they got was a box o' fiber.

Then again, with all the stories they scare you with as a kid - stories of people putting pins in candy and stuff like that, it's probably best to leave this a hypothetical prank to pull. :?

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By bronkula
i drop sharp objects into the bags of teenagers, hoping their bags rip. :)

... ok, i dont... but wouldn't that be great?

altho if i notice repeat kids, i don't give them more candy. screw that.
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By Nikki
tone wrote:
Jessi wrote:The teenagers that come to my house get a box of raisins.
You should empty some "Sugar Baby" boxes and refill them with raisins... :twisted:

That way, they think "score!!" and it's not until they get home that they realize all they got was a box o' fiber.

Then again, with all the stories they scare you with as a kid - stories of people putting pins in candy and stuff like that, it's probably best to leave this a hypothetical prank to pull. :?

:lol: I love that, filling the Sugar Baby's with rasins..I like rasisins so I wouldn't mind..I actually really hate how the Sugar Baby's caramel stays on my teeth for hours...They're the only candy that aggraviate me when I eat them! Haha
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By Dragon
I think every kid that has ever darkened my doorstep has worn a costume. I can recall one situation where a couple 17 - 18 year olds showed up and wore no costumes. I just made the usual joke of "Aren't you too old to be trick-or-treating?" that I'm sure they heard time and time again all night and tossed some candy into their bags. They were amused so it was good all around. :lol:

You know, we all oughta get together and go trick-or-treating for old times' sake! :wink:
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By GeologySage
Kids (costume or not cuz really 99.9% around here do) get candy. Teens will get candy if they're dressed up. We sometimes have parents that will go around with their kids and sctually trick-or-treat with em. They insist on getting candy cuz they're dressed up and have their kids with em but we refuse.

Now... to rant on that...

The people who do that every year around here are always Mexican. I'm not saying anything bad etc. that's just the fact here (SoCal if you want to know). It ticks me off because you tell them 'no' or 'You're adults' and they try to act all confused and still push their bags at you when both you and they know they understand what you mean. I'm not quite sure why they do it... I'm thinking that they figure they can T-or-T too and get more candy so they wont have to buy any or something. Then after telling them 'no' about 4 times they finally leave in a hush and you watch them as they walk away threatening to kick the pumpkins.

Happens every year multiple times.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I trick-or-treated for more years that I probably should have, so I try to be nice to the teens, especially if they make the effort and have a decent costume.

Maybe some don't have the money or the creativity gene, but I like to think you can make something out of household items. Wear PJs and put your hair in pigtails to be a baby doll. Or put a box on your head and be a robot.

I see a lot of no-costumes and also kids that come back more than once. But another "trick" I see more each year is: "Can I have another piece of candy? It's... uh... for my brother. He's... like.... at home or something." :roll:

I tend to give the better candy to the younger kids, polite kids, and well-costumed kids. But just about anyone that can handle a knife usually gets a Zombie Pumpkins sticker in their treat bag. :wink:
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By Wedge
These guys have some great ideas for messing with the older kids I really like the Candy tunnel. The Clown in the van is a little too creepy for my neighborhood. I am afraid if I tried that the cops would be there before i pulled out of the drive-way.
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By Nikki
Geez it seems like you guys get a bunch of jerks Haha
As far as my knowledge goes we have a nice crowd.

Except one year some kids aacross the street threatened to kick my dog since it kept barking. I walked right over to them and they ran away Haha

Nobody kicks my dog! He was minding his own buisness in the yard... :oops:
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By tone
ZombiePumpkins, 'Patch Master'
Joined: 09 Oct 2005
Posts: 118

Nikki, 'Pumpkin'
Joined: 18 Oct 2005
Posts: 120

Nikki now has more posts than you. I guess that makes her the new 'Patch Master'.

Sorry, bud... democracy has spoken. :P

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By Dragon
Yeah, that's one thing you have to be careful about. Pets need to be brought in. Some people can be downright cruel to animals on Halloween. :x

That site is hilarious! Especially the glass to keep the bowl of candy inside.
By Jack
For me I love halloween and I go all out I take the day off I spend all day setting up and all year planning for next year,so no matter how old you are if you come to my house dressed up there will be some candy for you,maybe not the full sized chocolate bars but some back up candy small snack sized bars or bought or home made I love to see kids in costume but the more creative they get the better the experience is for me.