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Last year we only gave out 60 or so goodie bags. This year I made up 100 and we were cleaned out pretty quick. Good thing I had a couple bags of candy in the "just in case" reserve. We had I think about 120+ this year. I expect probably more next year because the neighbor and I both have big decoration/pumpkin displays.

What about you guys? More/less then expected?
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By DarkAngel
I live in the UK, where Halloween is still catching up in terms of popularity with the US, however I must have had about 15 groups round.

Probably around 60 or so people, if it hadn't been for the fact that the last couple of groups who came round I rationed out my sweets, I would have run out.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
There was a day where I used to count the trick-or-treaters. But this year they came way too fast and furious to keep track. Had to have been over a hundred, maybe two.

At times there were huge crowds on the front lawn, and people were basically waiting in line to come up to the porch for their candy. I'd like to believe they all came to see my pumpkins, but I'm sure the haunted house a few blocks away has to do with the amount of people.

But still, we've built a reputation I think, as I heard, "This is the house that does the awesome pumpkins" several times.
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By The Captain
We had 25 kids last year, and we dropped to 8 kids this year! :cry:
We live in a very small neighborhood, in a very small town. All the neighborhood kids hit our house and then go out to bigger neighborhoods.
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By Nikki
We only had around 13.. then again Halloween over here went really bad :( First our porch night blew out, and secondly my father was being a drunken douche bag *rolls eyes* so we closed the door only an hour after the Trick Or Treaters started coming
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By Tkaraoke
I was really quite impressed with the number of ToTers we had this year. It came to about 20 (with adults in tow) which is a far cry from the 8 we had last year. I did put up two sings this year (more about the night in my final Halloween wrap-up message coming soon) and someone told me they came because of the pumpkins I had last year. That was really cool that they remembered me!
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By Mister_JP
I had maybe 12 groups. Pretty pathetic, but thats more than last year when I had 3 or 4. Our housing track is still being built, and I suppose the numbers will continue to grow year after year as more houses get built and moved into. The people who came did enjoy the pumpkins.
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By jen d.
I had two groups of three people. And the last three were at least 15 years old. At least they dressed up! =) Guess that's what I get for living right smack in the middle of University area.
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By gregh3196
We had around 50-60, probaly double last year so I was happy.
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By Patti
We had fewer people stop by then we expected on Halloween night. I was pretty disappointed because we usually get lots of people out to see the pumpkin display. We had about 4 gallons of cider and two big bowls of candy leftover.

We set the cider and candy up again last night and had more people show up than on Halloween night. They finished off most of the cider and candy. Not sure why Halloween night was so slow but a lot of the people who came last night had never been by before and said friends told them to stop. I'm hoping next year we have some of these people back and that they bring their friends.

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By badgers
Much less than expected this year :( . have way too much candy left over. I did have our repeat treaters, those who come by every year to see my (Ryan's actually) pumpkins that I carved.
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By mesmark
There's no trick-or-treating here in Japan, BUT I did have my biggest Halloween party turn out to date! 82 kids (including my three and a couple babies) with 75+ in costumes!

I'd love to organize a little trick-or-treat run through the neighborhood once the party is over. Maybe next year...
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By rosesrunred
I live in NYC in an apartment building so over here the kids parents who I'm friends with knock on my door. Thats how mostly everyone does it NYC these days. Friends or family.
I had 4 kids this year, mostly adults in my building.
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By S.A.M
We had 50+ which is really quite good for around here and the most we've ever had, a couple of older teenagers trick or treated who weren't in costumes and were smoking cigarettes, looked like chavs, unless that was their costume :lol: But even they were nice enough and talking about the pumpkins and how cool they were.

Really good night and some awesome costumes, from the cute lil pumpkin girl to a warty old witch.
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By angstmama
We had about 325. We live in a neighborhood that's a trick or treat destination. There's even a haunted house and one family giving out hot cider! Quite fun. We had families taking their children's picture by all my carved pumpkins!