Any creepy topic that doesn't fit the categories below.
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By sodajazz
Dans banana Loafcake wrote:D&B's just nasty, although I havent had it in years so my palete might have changed. Dan

Something tells me, I doubt your palete might have changed, if your anything like me don't drink it, use it as a drain unblocker :D

Cream soda - green pop, not as bad as D&B but still slightly undrinkable.
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By matspud
Its disappeared up here as well thanks goodness. Cream soda is ok. Some of my acquaintances used to use it as a mixer ( pre alcopop days) but I preffered it straight. :D
think you can still get strawberry cresta in a few places!

(it's frothy man) :lol:
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By Dans banana Loafcake
Yeah I think I've seen Strawberry cresta before. Never tried it though.

Sodajazz, since when has creamsoda been green? I've only tried the clear stuff that looks like lemonade.

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By Mister_JP
I've seen green/blue cream soda before, but it's been a long time. I"ve also seen clear, but my favorite was A&W brand, it looks just like beer.
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By sodajazz
Apologies Ryan.. everytime I responded in this thread I did keep thinking it had gone way off topic.

..Unleash the flying monkies say I :twisted:
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By sodajazz
Yeah it's all Dan's fault :wink: :lol:

Although our slight obsession with sweets and days gone by may have also steered this slightly off topic :D

What are we like :roll:
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By matspud
Actually, to be pedantic about it, GUS took the topic from candy to soda by bringing up ( not literally I hope :wink: ) Irn Bru :roll: :roll:

By the way Irn Bru chews bars are quite good. better than the Vimto ones :twisted:

Talking of Vimto how many of you ( over the age of 18 in the UK and 21 in certain states of the USA not sure about Canada) Have tried a "Cheeky Vimto" ?
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
sodajazz wrote:Apologies Ryan.. everytime I responded in this thread I did keep thinking it had gone way off topic.
Hehe, no problem. Thanks for thinking of keeping things in topic, but sometimes you just can't control the direction the conversation will take. :) I'll be here to split, merge, and move topics as appropriate. :wink:
sodajazz wrote:Yeah it's all Dan's fault :wink: :lol:

What are we like :roll:
OLD (which is why we carve & hand out sweets rather than go door knocking) :P
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By sodajazz
Old my dear sir :roll:

Here are my rules : If I go out TnT'ing with the kids I get a cut of the stash although only the chocolatey stuff :D
I have developed a photographic memory of the houses that dish out the funsize sweets :wink:
That's all fine & dandy for you (can't you tell i'm jealous)!!!!
What about us poor buggers who, if we weren't standing by the door ALL evening would actually have parents complaining! (due to dressing up the place all halloweeny ..then being out to door-knockers (that'd be our reputation in tatters)

how do you manage it????