Any creepy topic that doesn't fit the categories below.
Mine is :):

1) Fallout new vegas.(xbox 360)
2) dead rising 2(xbox 360)
3) donkey kong country returns (Wii)
4) Time to play all those games :P
5) The Passage by Justin Cronin
6) Zombie pumpkin christmas patterns :D
7) Maybe a nice watch and some clothes.
8 ) Books and comics, power tools etc.
9) Inception Blu Ray

PS, don't be fooled i'm a 30 old man 8)
What's on my Christmas list?, the wish for everyone to slow right down & not get caught up, made stressed by anyone elses christmas "ideal" demands.
The wife bought me a second xmas present (just a dvd) last night, I had a bit of a row as it's neither wanted nor required.
Christmas is just fine when you are left alone to have a genuine day of rest without interruption from others, can chill, & actually think, & at the end of it I havent incrreased my litter / recycling 10-fold for a poxy few hours alleged gratification.

But if that is your thing...enjoy.

I wouldn't refuse a few solar panels or similar though!
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By hkzombie

1)Upgrade my archery equipment (New knocks and quiver)
2) Money
3) Clothes

I'm not hard to please :)
The Captain wrote:50 inch Vizio flat screen tv
I hope it's economical to run captain?
Thats why we stopped at a 37 inch plasma, couldn't justify the leap in electricity consumption (5 yrs ago) ...& our projector only uses the same amount when the lights are turned out.

Don't get me wrong I like technology, I simply hate the bills, eg look at early adaptors of the xbox 360 power consumption compared to the latest generation... why couldn't it be more streamlined & less copper wrapped from the outset? singular xmas present is dead rising 2 (under protest) ..he said getting back on the zombie theme, .does this mean I won't enjoy Dead Rising 1 at a later date?
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By Raven
I honestly have nothing on my Christmas list this year. I know my husband will want Fallout: New Vegas for his PS3. If he gets it I wont be having much interaction with him for awhile after Christmas. :x
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By suzika
My husband keeps asking so, I tell him thinks like: a new broom, a nicer mop, new dishtowels.

He thinks I'm joking, I so am not. We're moving into a new house over the next couple weeks and I need stuff for it. I don't need anything fancy or that will take up space we don't have.
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By purple1worm
I haven't even thought about it actually. Just glad I'm not working that day.
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By snow2alike
I really don't have any big wishes for Santa ---but--- hmm--- my sewing machine just died.

(Hint Hint Santa)
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By Nikki
MY Wishlist.. Hmm...Umm...

Not too much actually.. I can't really think of anything either.. Much like what GUS said, a day of relaxation and for everyone to leave me alone :D

But I know I am going to be heading out to begin my X-Mas shopping this coming week.. Oh joy..
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I don't ask for much. But a few items I hope Santa will get me...

Dead Rising 2 for XBox 360
Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy Bluray
Rob Zombie: Hellbilly Deluxe 2 (Special Edition) CD with DVD

Oh, and socks and slippers and an electric toothbrush. But those aren't as fun sounding. ;)
By Ajax
zombiepumpkins wrote:I don't ask for much. But a few items I hope Santa will get me...

Dead Rising 2 for XBox 360
Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy Bluray
Rob Zombie: Hellbilly Deluxe 2 (Special Edition) CD with DVD

Oh, and socks and slippers and an electric toothbrush. But those aren't as fun sounding. ;)
you forgot an argyle sweater.
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By paddy_babe
My wish list would be...

That Fable 3 comes on on PS3 (what!? A girl can dream!!)
10th book of the Sookie Stackhouse series
The rest of my book list (ranges from Anite Blake series to A Real Witches Cookbook)
Stress-less wedding planning (and maybe a handfasting pattern from ZP!)
Firebox voucher
fairy statues to fit my little shelf
New altar cloth (mine is covered in wax :( )

erm thats about it..... maybe a husky ;) :lol: