Any creepy topic that doesn't fit the categories below.
By Joey
I feel compelled to spread the word about these. They just showed up at my Target on Tuesday and I picked up a bag, being one who likes all things pumpkin flavored. And they are delicious! They're like pumpkin pie but a little more sweet and creamy, kind of like good pumpkin flavored ice cream. And they really melt in your mouth, and a bit in just California heat, I have to keep mine in the fridge cause they were getting squishy. I seriously recommend them to all who like pumpkin flavors!

(Also couldn't decide if this should go here or in the pumpkin pie section :o )
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By Crystal
I saw those and also candy corn ones. I have yet to buy them tho and I think I will next time I hit the store.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I picked up some of the candy corn kisses today. They do taste quite like candy corn. But... melty like chocolate. Yum. I'll have to get my hands on those pumpkin spice kisses next.
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By gregh3196
I got some also and they are good but very soft. I will have to take buhdewsy's advice and freeze them
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By Kittie
Figures they are only at Target. . and we don;t have a Target!
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
No Target... no Michaels... as a Halloween fan, I think you're gonna have to move, Kittie! :|
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By Crystal
went out and got the candy corn ones today. The kids hate them! which means they will leave them alone all the more for me
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By Tkaraoke
I went looking for these tonight and didn't find them but I found something even BETTER! That's for another message! LOL
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By 2manyferrets
I made pancakes the other night and chopped up the pumpkin spice kisses and tossed them in the batter.... YUM!
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By The Captain
2manyferrets wrote:I made pancakes the other night and chopped up the pumpkin spice kisses and tossed them in the batter.... YUM!
Whoa sounds super good!
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By Tkaraoke
I finally went to Target and got some of those kisses and I still have 1/2 a bad in the fridge. They are YUMM!!!!! :D
By Sind3315
Oh my, I am certainly intrigued. Hmmm, guess I have a Target trip planned for me tomorrow. Thanks a lot! :lol:

Speaking of pumpkin flavored goodies, anyone try International Delights pumpkin spice creamer in their coffee? It is ecstacy! Well, not really ecstacy, but it's dang good... :P
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By nosferatu
Matspud what will you do with them?

Will they suffer the same fate as that other well-known Scottish delicacy?.....The deep-fried Mars Bar.

Now that is a disgusting food thought for Halloween.....Urgh, feel sick just thinking about it ... 00px-Deep-

Look appetizing, don't they? Trick or treat anyone?