Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:34 pm
I guess this is mostly for the head cheese.
Just looking at the forum here and thinking about the decline in activity... i do miss the days in years gone by where this was an active place. I've seen some other comments about how its shifted to social media platforms, but, when i look at the ZP FB page, it's not really the same there, that's more of where the PM pushes his content out, not so much what this is, or was.
Is there a way to trigger more of the type of discussion we used to have there, or some other platform for it where it's all migrated to (and i missed it) or, is it a thing that has just run it's course?
Post halloween ponderings. And no, not trying to stir up anything but a discussion.
Just looking at the forum here and thinking about the decline in activity... i do miss the days in years gone by where this was an active place. I've seen some other comments about how its shifted to social media platforms, but, when i look at the ZP FB page, it's not really the same there, that's more of where the PM pushes his content out, not so much what this is, or was.
Is there a way to trigger more of the type of discussion we used to have there, or some other platform for it where it's all migrated to (and i missed it) or, is it a thing that has just run it's course?
Post halloween ponderings. And no, not trying to stir up anything but a discussion.
Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!