Request a pumpkin pattern or critique the current collection.
ok as it involves Zombies & their ilk, i'd seriously hoped for a stencil before now, ..but got things like Mario, Boo & twilight instead..

So to give time (2011) for the film to come out under the helm of the original director Danny Boyle, I'll request this now!

There are 2 other films in the series that have stepped up the game in the genre & yet NEVER recognised here on the site.
Whilst there are other "28" series requests ..this hopefully will be an overdue asskick wake up smell the putrification call.

( self mocking whinge over)

..I love the uniques by Ryan but have noticed we are predominantly film orientated this season , here I am plugging ANOTHER film related stencil , but hopefully you folks will understand
..& besides there are some good halloween films this year!
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By SaneInsideInsanity
LOVE LOVE LOVE The first movie...the second one meh and the third i am excited for...i second this stencil
By Lithium_joe
First movie - tops!

2nd - ehn - should have left well enough alone. Stupid kids igniting a 2nd worldwide apocalypse.

Now the first movei - zombie meets Day of the Triffids. 'triffik! :D