Request a pumpkin pattern or critique the current collection.
By Ajax
This has probably been suggested before but this is my all time favorite halloween movie and i think that i could be this years Johnny Depp pattern.
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By gregh3196
There was a request for cristopher walkens headless horseman before but i agree any character from the movie would be great
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By purple1worm
Me too!!
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By SaneInsideInsanity
PUrrrrrs in delight at the suggestion
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By SuperSonic
I'd like to revive this topic if no one minds :) It was a great movie and I must get it on blu-ray/DVD soon.

For a Halloween party I'm planning this may be aone of the movies watched :)

Pretty please :D



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By vibhandaka
Christopher Walkens teeth totally freak me out. *shiver*
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By matspud
That's a great picture of christopher Wlaken and REALLY scary too. This would be good even if you didn't know the film. :D
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By blueikaos
I've never seen Sleepy Hollow.
Judging by the pictures, I think I should and I would totally carve Mr. Walken's teeth.
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By monstermash
I'm surprised there hasn't been any Sleepy Hollow patterns yet. Christopher Walken gets my vote. Maybe Miranda Richardsons scary witch sister, although i'm not sure you see her "creepy" face long for enough to make a pattern.