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By Euri
OMG :o I LOVE #6!!! Definitely carving this!! And I think I'm doing this fantastic idea:
Zombie Pumpkins! wrote: There's a bottom part to that pattern, not pictured in the sample image. You'll see it when you print it. Your choice if you want carve that bottom section or not. If not, I'd suggest placing your carving on an appropriate prop from mom's flower garden.
Ah, I'm not familiar with any of the movies from the series that #7 is based off of (although it looks great). I can still post here, right? :|
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By Beast75
Ajax wrote:Any chance of releasing the other two from this Series to the main gallery it's been a few years now and I think they would be popular. Evil Ash and Deaddite Ash.
This^^ Especially since the Ash vs Evil dead show is starting on Halloween..
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By ghostface
OH MY GOD!!!! VIP #8 is my favorite, and quite possibly my favorite pattern you've ever done! You must have been all out of bubble gum Ryan, because you kicked ass in this pattern!
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By ghostface
Zombie Pumpkins! wrote:
ghostface wrote:It was fate! :lol: I just happened to be on the site!
Well, and you must have had those glasses on, if you could see it.
Of course!
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By SuperSonic
I don't rightly know what #8 is. It looks amazeballs though
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By ghostface
Mayor of Haddonfield wrote:#9 & #10 were there a second ago, and now there gone. I must be hallucinating.
It says they are there, but when you click on the VIP's they don't show up! :cry:
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