Request a pumpkin pattern or critique the current collection.
By CanadianCarver
I am up for the challenge!!! Pinhead would be amazing. Count this as my vote for a Pinhead Stencil!!!
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Carving that spiky cenobite will be a lot of work, but it sounds like some of you get pleasure from pain. Keep playing with that puzzle box, and you never know what will appear on this site.

The box... you opened it... we came. :twisted:
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By matspud
I loved the idea of using coctail stirrers as the pins. Doing it with"real" pins might just make a cut-through pattern do-able :twisted: although on a real kin it wouldn't last long :cry:
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
This forum... it is a means to summon him. A demon to some, angel to others. Now you must carve him. No tears please. It's a waste of good suffering.

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By nosferatu
Oh yes! They just keep getting better and better....and better.

(Sorry but I've run out of superlatives for the designs)

Think this one deserves a gold star mate! The size of a house!!
By Sind3315
Get the *bleep* outta here!!! Ryan you simply amaze me.

*bows down to the great Pumpkin King*

Now, do I punish myself now or later with this carving.... hmmmm such difficult choices in life.
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By nosferatu
Mmm, pumpkin induced masochism.....interesting concept.

I always thought Pinhead would be "A Bridge Too Far" but boy, am I gonna give it a go.

Absolutely love it.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I made sure this design was totally doable in the cut-through style. But cutting out all those pieces epitomizes Pinhead's penchant for combining pleasure and pain. Give it a try. Your suffering will be legendary... even in Hell. :twisted:
oOoh THAT's going to be a toughie (the pins) without the sufeit of carving tools you lot have over there!
I was in B&Q t'other weekend, a dremel kit is £100 on reduction!!
(as advertised by Alexei Sayle / Mr Balowski)

Tk ought to get the 3 series dvds of Alexei Sayles "STUFF" tangent-tastic!
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By Dans banana Loafcake
nosferatu wrote:I always thought Pinhead would be "A Bridge Too Far" but boy, am I gonna give it a go.
Thats what I thought too, I know people have been asking Ryan for years about Pin Head but it always seemed too complicated and fiddley for his style... Well he just prooved everyone (including himself) wrong :shock: ! Thats an amazing stencil, I love it! Not too complicated but just challenging enough to feel like you've acheived something after you've carved it. I love how you tackled the pins too! Inspired stuff!

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By pumkin-lights
All hail the stencil master Ryan has done it again is there amy end to this mans talents
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By S.A.M
Amazing pattern :shock: If I can find a pumpkin tall enough I'm gonna give it a go :D
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By pumkin-lights
I noticed Tescos were selling big pumpkins for £1:50 yesterday
By Lithium_joe

Sir, if I had a hat I'd take it off to you.