Request a pumpkin pattern or critique the current collection.
Richard Ashcroft from The Verve - His face lends itself beautifully for immortalizion in orange. Sallow, gaunt features, baggy eyes...oh there is already a pattern for him - The Ghost from Scream.

Dave Grohl - He has a goatee beard for a start.....most of the time. Plus every one loves the Foos. Or is it that everyone loves Phooey - The Hong Kong Variety?

Amy Winehouse - Can't stand the woman or her music but this is probably gonna be the last time we will be able to do a pattern of her whilst she is still alive. Man, that woman is so scary looking she should bring out her own range of Halloween Cosmetics. And those teeth???? She got them from The Simpsons' Book of British Smiles....... same as me unfortunately.
We pretty much have an amy winehouse stencil already go look at
"bride of Frankenstein" :lol:
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By Tkaraoke
I think there had to be some kind of rock (giggle) solid definition of what is considered worthiness of the name ROCK GOD.

David Lee Roth (or any original Van Halen members) = Rock God

Any band member of Buckcherry = NOT Rock God

Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) = Rock God

Jack White (White Stripes) = NOT Rock God
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By nosferatu
Ah, are absolutely right.

It all boils down to defining the term " Rock God". Obviously, it is all down to personal choice.

I was born and bred in Liverpool - where The Beatles have gone from being the most influential band in the world to tacky tourist attraction from yesteryear. They have spawned an industry of tat that has long since diluted any musical promenence.

Yet others from that era remain Rock Gods:
Keith Richards yes - Mick Jagger, a definite no. Roger Daltry - Yes, Pete Townshend - given his computer download problems - an unfortunate no.

Will Dave Lee Roth be remembered for his musical influence or his contribution to Spandex sales. Let's just hope its not based on his solo output!
Nosferatu said...I was born and bred in Liverpool - where The Beatles have gone from being the most influential band in the world to tacky tourist attraction from yesteryear. They have spawned an industry of tat that has long since diluted any musical promenence.

So good read that, the problem i find (from a purely musical perspective) is that children tend to emulate what their parents say Is good eg the beatles, or whatever, & it's then set in stone for them withot ever listening to the music properly, which does my nut in frankly! , think about the experiences & circumstances that led the parent to consider them " the greatest" within their time (of life & music listening) ..too often from then on "it must be good, my parents listened to it" is the mantra that evolves (for some) thus this tackiness is born not of quality but of quantity & similarity being therefore "good" ..when it's far from it as "it" could be!
Beatles the musical...ha
Jaded musicians earning a crust in mop top wigs banging out other peoples hits, several times a day, not utilising their own talents properly, wheres the experience in that?
Theme park!

I suppose it's a bit like art you have to find your own sound, in your own sphere, in order to understand / appreciate it fully.
..certainly explains the dross & it's subsequent lifespan on the charts or x factor etc!

I've only ever enjoyed listening to beatles tracks once by a band in St Louis who had a record contract anyhow not as their main gig, it was for extra money & each others company, that's why it stands out so much for me (& I really don't enjoy the beatles as a rule) ..coming from a "sound" engineering background.
I enjoy some particular pieces of opera so much that all emotions can rage through them (for instance) , music I've been able to utilise to rage & break others bones to as well as contemplate or beat time out to.
..that's music of godlike status! (to me)
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By nosferatu
I knew I shouldn't have started this. The basic point is that everyone's viewpoint to who constitutes being a rock god varies from person to mans AC/DC is another man's Poison.
God forbid!It's personal preference, personal choice that makes us the individuals we are.

I couldn't tell you what music my parents listened to us as I was growing up because I don't remember. They encouraged me to make my own choices. To be honest, you're more likely to be influenced by your peers than your parents.

I wasn't having a go at The Beatles - it's how the passing of time has affected their music that is the problem. How many times have you heard Yesterday in Pan Pipe form in a shopping centre or a lift? How many times have you heard Imagine murdered on Pop Idol etc?

Anyway, can we please get back to something more Halloween based?

Thank you
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Music debates aside, I chose the title "Rock Gods" for that category mostly because it had a dramatic sound to it, like "Movie Monsters" or "Television Terrors."

Mainly, it's the page for music related patterns, which might not necessarily be "gods" and may also stray outside the genre of "rock."

I get a lot of requests for all sorts of music acts. I try to do the ones that are a bit more "classic." Ones that will stand the test of time and be recognizable to a wide audience.

And like most pattern categories on the site, I'm always going to favor designs that fit the spooky Halloween theme. That's why rockers like Ozzy, Alice Cooper, and Marilyn Manson easily made the list... whether or not you like their music, you can't deny that they fit right in with the witches and goblins of the season.
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By nosferatu
Thanks for the clarification PM.

Just wait until we get onto something like religion or worse, politics about stirring up a hornets nest, more like giving the hornets nest a real hard kick having already smothered yourself head to toe in honey. Wasn't that in Jackass The Movie?

Think I will put pattern suggestions on the back burner for a while and concentrate on other areas of the forum instead!!!!!!!!!!
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By Tkaraoke
I hope I didn't upset anybody with my original message. I was just making an observation that people tend sling the word "Rock God" around. It's kind of like what happened to the word "Diva" a few years ago when just about every decent female singer was branded with that moniker.

I'm not here to start no trouble....I'm just here to do the Superbowl Shuffle!

Smile, darn ya, smile! :D
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By nosferatu
I'm smiling!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

You were right about rock gods, let's not bother with divas!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D
By nico_reed
I'd love to see a Beatles pattern. And a few others:
Frank Zappa
Tom Waits (what a great craggy face!)
David Bowie
Also, I love the idea of a Richard Ashcroft pattern
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By Tkaraoke
David Bowie + Ziggy Stardust = Must carve pumpkin! :D
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By nosferatu
Ashes to Ashes,Buy a Funkin,
We want Bowie on a pumpkin!
Carved out in Zee Pee Style,
Hitting an all-time high.
User avatar
By Tkaraoke
nosferatu wrote:Ashes to Ashes,Buy a Funkin,
We want Bowie on a pumpkin!
Carved out in Zee Pee Style,
Hitting an all-time high.
That was brilliant! I applaud you, sir!
User avatar
By nosferatu
Ryan, Ryan your site is the best,
Ryan, Ryan, the rest are a mess,
Ryan, Ryan, how did you know
Pinhead I love him so

I could do these all day long as I am a massive Bowie fan but I have two dogs sat cross legged who desperately want to go for a walk.