Classics or modern, discuss your picks for the sickest flicks.

So after watching Daybreakers & then the making of section they mentioned their previous low budget Australian zombie film "undead"

So thought i'd pop it up for your perusal, has a ttwist i won't spoil it for you...
Might have to find a cheap copy!

How come nobodies mentioned it?

AJAX i'm looking at you specifically here! :lol:
By Cheef
Likely because I never heard of it. thanks for the heads up.
CombichristGirl wrote:i have this!! i liked it and the end is great :D
...Well thanks for sharing ..biatch! :lol:

(so Combi, have you also seen daybreakers)?
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
"Undead" was on my radar even before "Daybreakers" came out. And then when I watched "Daybreakers" the bonus materials on that disc reminded me that I need to watch "Undead." Still haven't gotten around to it yet though. It's on my list! :)
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By monstermash
I really enjoyed Daybreakers so ive popped this on my ever increasing wish list. Only a fiver on the hmv site for UK folks.