Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
I look forward to seeing all your carving photos here! But if you want to be eligible for the contest and have your photos on display in a public permanent place, don't forget.... you can also now upload your photos (2009 pumpkins, costumes, watermelons, and "beyond pumpkin" crafts) directly to the main site gallery. Show me whatcha got!
Last edited by Zombie Pumpkins! on Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
By Lithium_joe
All mine are 3mb.

I shall have to shrink them down first!

Just for guidance - I presume it's ZP pumpkins only that;

a) can go in the gallery?

b) are eligible for the competition?
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Thanks for shrinking them down a bit first. Under 2mb in file size helps keep things more manageable on my technical side of things.

a) Right. Each photo can contain other designs too (your originals, other designer's patterns) but the gallery is meant to illustrate what people can do with ZP patterns (and the captions link to the pattern shown). So for those reasons, each pic needs to show at least one ZP design in use.

b) Also correct. :)
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By nameless
Is there still more to come in the gallery? I guess there's a lot so it could take a lot of time :)

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By Zombie Pumpkins!
There are well over 1000 submissions already. I have to approve them (to make sure they follow the guidelines) but now that Halloween duties have slowed down, I should be approving them at a pretty steady pace, in the order received.
By Lithium_joe
Not had the time t shrink mien down yet, will do so though and get 'em to you Ryan.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Sounds good, Mr. Lithium. Photo submissions will be accepted until the end of the year.
By Lithium_joe
So when (and how) do we find out the results of the contest.

I think my membership expires at midnight.
currently too bummed out to even bother submitting my files...
I hate the xmas period like you would not believe.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
The photo submission page (for the 2009 gallery, at least) will be closed on January 1st, so now is the last chance to submit your photos if you want them in the gallery and to be considered for the contest.

If you already submitted your photos, but haven't seen them added to the gallery yet, there's no need to resubmit. They are most likely still in the queue of hundreds of photos yet to approve.

I've been distracted lately with the holidays, but I plan to hit 2010 hard by adding the submitted photos to the gallery as quick as I can. So you should likely see them all appear over the course of January.

The winners of the 2009 Carving Contest will be announced at the start of September 2010. Sorry to leave you hanging for months, but that will allow ample time to review all the contenders, and it will give the site an exciting way to create some buzz and kick off the next Halloween season!

Winners will be notified at that time by email, and the winning photos will be posted in special area of the site, and all of this will be mentioned on the front page of the site, the news page, the email newsletter and somewhere here on the forum also.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
@Lithium_joe - Looks like you have about 5 1/2 months left in your membership, so you should still be able to access patterns until the middle of June.

@GUS - Sorry to hear about the humbug spirit having you in its grips. I know I got at least one photo submission from you, which will certainly be added to the site. If you have more, you could even just email them to me and I can get them into the gallery for ya.
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By SaneInsideInsanity
I also hate xmas gus don;t worry, but tis over now, I Also did not submit, for 2 reasons a. I really didnt have time, b. Going through the Gallery so far didnt think i'd win anything anyhow so I figured I'd leave the patchmaster a few less to go Through