Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
By mikekennedy
for the last few years, ive been carving the pumpkins for the local tavern, (legion br #10), but what ive done in the past is carve 4-5 the night before the bash.
this year, i wanted to do something like the 12 days of xmas, but halloweenish. i havnt worked out the details on the dates, but im carving 1 or 2 a week for them, untill the party, then ill give em the 4-5 the night before.

my sister in law has the pics of the first 2....ill post them here when she gets back to halifax, and sends them back, (probly tomorrow), but ill keep posting untill halloweens done, last posting here will be the final outcome of the party....all will be work, and children friendly.

i hope your all having as good a time as i am.

You've started the fun early definitely, good on you cannot wait to see your pics!
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By Mistress_of_Halloween

That's really cool.

It's nice to see another Maritimer on the boards as well.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Sounds like you'll be doing a steady flow of pumpkins. Can't wait to see. You'll be doing a bunch, but not necessarily pressured to do a massive amount on the big day. Maybe you can make it a spooky "13 days of Halloween."
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By 500cdn
zombiepumpkins wrote: "13 days of Halloween."
Or How About using The Ghosts From The Film 13 Ghosts
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By CombichristGirl
500cdn wrote:
zombiepumpkins wrote: "13 days of Halloween."
Or How About using The Ghosts From The Film 13 Ghosts
that would be awesome man u guys are so creative. :oops: :D
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By sloaner
Hey mike that werewolf looks sweet, did you make that one yourself or is it from another site?
By Sind3315
Those are really nice looking! Awesome job there mike! :D
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By emilymegan
Awesome job, Mike ! Can't wait to see more !

Mistress of Halloween, where in the Maritimes are you ? I'm in New Brunswick. We don't have very many pumpkin carvers around here :( :(
By mikekennedy
thanks alot guys......the werewolf isnt mine...its ..a... "cough"pumpkinmasterspattern"cough".
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By S.A.M
Great carvings there Mike, top stuff :D
I carved that PM Werewolf pattern back in 2005 and it remains one of my all time faves. I remember it being one of the pumpkins that took the most time to carve but it did get the reactions on the night and you've done it justice, nice to see it again :D
If I had a funkin I would carve it to keep forever :lol:
By mikekennedy
i would have updated this a couple of weeks ago, but had no photos.
i had brought a few pumpkins to the bar to carve while there, so i carved angus, and patchmaster, they looked great i guess that when i went to take some pics...they walked out of the bar. either that, or just simply dissapeared.
anyways, i didnt carve anymore for them untill today, the party is tomorrow, so ive got 7-8 to do up, maybe more depending on what my wife brings home.
ill be doing some ZP designs, as well as a few of stoneys.

carving starts now, pics in a while.

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By Raven
Great job Mike! I did that wolf last year and unfortunately lost a piece around his nose. It's not easy or quick to carve but is spectacular once its done.