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By Crystal
I got my gutter and carving kit on Friday. It took till Sunday to have the time to get hacking. But I did it Im soooooooooo happy with my toys.
I picked an easy one for the test process but with the kids in my space and trying to 'help' this is not exactly that great. :roll:

Now Im sure the neighbors in all the apts around me think Im a total tweaker! I left it out light up for all to see LOL
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By CombichristGirl
awesome. i cant wait to oder my gutter . how did u like using it ? pretty easy to control? and good work and choice of pattern too:)
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By Crystal
Well Im guessing it was easy. My hubby decided to be the one to take it on the first test run grrr the butt head. :x :P He also used the saws-all attachement to cut the top. All together it was like 3 min.

From what I saw I LOVE it. The worst part is scooping out the guts sam I right it takes up too much time. Tho on the back of the pumpkin he got it pretty thin. So Im thinking you could go over board if not careful.
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By CombichristGirl
lol ill keep that in mind. dont want to have to incorperate a cirle shape or something into every pattern lol. is it wierd to be turned on by power tools and pumpkins lol. man im dying to carve now have to get a funkin out lol. it does take a lot of time scooping and shaving :( def gonna get one of these :)
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Nice Dawn of the Dead carving, Crystal. I always say... that pattern is a good one for if you're in a hurry, having other people help, new to carving, etc... because the shapes can be fairly loose. You don't have to follow it exactly, but the final effect is still pretty striking.

They're supposed to be outlines of decaying zombies, so if you accidentally lop off one of their arms... no problem! That's appropriate!