Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Ha! Knew you wouldn't let me down. Superb shot as always. Love the fact that you have an outdoor display, it looks fab. That wicked witch is amazing. Really creepy. Showed all the treats you had for trick or treaters to my daughter "Oh, that's not fair. Kit Kats! I got given a pack of polos."

The thing that amazes me about your carves is that they look like they have been done on funkins. Within a couple of hours mine are already shrinking, yours look like they have been delicately unwrapped from their bubble wrapped, buffed, polished and then buffed again. Very impressive. Any special concoction for keeping them like that? S.A.M'S Sauce? Or just pure luck on a yearly basis?
LOL! I don't think I've ever had so much emotion reading a post before. Such disappointment you didn't have a stair shot, yet understanding for carrying pumpkins all over for pictures. Awe at your carvings, set up and photography skills, happiness at the props and decorations in your yard and finally glee and relief at your really taking the amazing stair shot. I need a drink! :thumbsup: