Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Hottie, you treat your pumpkins with the precision of a surgeon. I appreciate that! You too, Nightwatchman.

Pumpken, I like your tip about using a toothbrush to remove the leftover lines from the transfer paper (and to knock out any loose pieces). I usually use a damp paper towel to rub away the blue transfer lines, but I like the idea of brushing the teeth of my pumpkins. :)
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By SuperSonic
Seems like most of us rinse the pumpkins afterwards! It may be my speed thats an issue with my cutting. Most of my pumpkins tend to have a few mis-cuts or something that doesn't look quite the way I would like it to (I'm a perfectionist too you know!).

One of my favorite carves would probably have to be the UndeadTed and Haunted Manor I did last year. I felt these were my cleanest carves. Along with Sonic the Hedgehog in the same album.

However I need to increase the consistency of my carves to get anywhere close to laser cut :P
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By SCAREcrow
The banana is absolutely amazing! I am sitting in the silent Computer lab at my university and actually laughed out loud.

I must try different fruits, especially for summer BBQ's!! I cant believe I have waited this long to join such a great forum with so many new ideas. Accommodating carvings into summer activities is such a WONDERFUL idea :)