Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Here's my carvings so far. Kudos to Ryan for the great patterns!!!

Guess where I messed up on this one!!


My son tried to do the Jigsaw puppet. Looks like a cartoon character with a big nose. Hey, at least he TRIED. I gotta give him credit.


My daughter wanted to do te Living Dead Girl. I helped her with the face pieces.

These other two ar from different sites. Bit I think I like the ZP patterns a little more.


User avatar
By Zombie Pumpkins!
Lookin' good. I see no flaws worth pointing out, but since you asked... maybe V is missing part of his lower lip? Even if that's the case, still works. Same for Jigsaw's puppet. The character is meant to look a bit like a clown, so the big nose seems to fit! :)
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By SuperSonic
Great start to the season, but its hard to see that second last pic, What is it precisely?
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By sloaner
I think they are both Vader but the bottom one is just easier to see.
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By CombichristGirl
great work! dont mind that im sure if we posted them there woiuld be lots of ruined pumpkins and mess ups lol not a biggy
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By vaderknightrider
Zombie Pumpkins! wrote:Lookin' good. I see no flaws worth pointing out, but since you asked... maybe V is missing part of his lower lip? Even if that's the case, still works. Same for Jigsaw's puppet. The character is meant to look a bit like a clown, so the big nose seems to fit! :)
Yes, his lip is missing.

The last two pics are of Vade. I just noticed the pattens and decided to give them a try.

Speaking of which, more carvings from the wild mind of the Patch Master!
I love this first one. Who else can capture the look of the great Vincent Price?

The next turned out so well. I carved out Dexter for my best friend. She told me that she had the carving by her t.v. while the show was on.
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By Crystal
NIce work. and to let you know most people wont notice a mistake. I know how it is tho.. when I make things my eye goes right to the mistakes I made.