Exploring the many uses of patterns for other craft projects.
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By Kittie
Here are my new 2008 Windowkins


There is a bush covering a bit of this one

And this is my favorite one that I put on my door window

And in Case you missed the video I made
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
You're not sick of that alien pattern yet? ;) I didn't realize he was so friendly. Apparently, they come in peace!
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By Kittie
Ha! I really like him! I have already carved him twice this year, once on the pumpkin and once on the watermelon. And then now the window kin! And I am 100% sure he will be in my yard on Halloween, but I think my buddy that is the alien nut is giong to carve him.

My husband said he had to have the peace sign. I think it looks pretty cool hehe.
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By Tkaraoke
Apparently Kittie has never seen the awesome b-grade SCI-FI movie "I Come In Peace" with an alien drug dealer who kills humans so he can suck out their endorphins. It's actually watchable! :D

:arrow: "I come in peace!" "You go in pieces!!"
By Sind3315
Those look awesome! I LOVE Ogie, he's my fav!
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By Kittie
My husband says now that we have 5 windowkins, we can't move, beucase they wouldn't fit at another house. We have been house hunting all summer. We just want a bigger yard! For a bigger display! heheh, no really, we need one for the dogs.
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By Italian Pulli
After seeing your windowkins, (They are great by the way) i am definitely going to attempt these this year i hope.
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By CorpseBride
zombiepumpkins wrote:You're not sick of that alien pattern yet? ;) I didn't realize he was so friendly. Apparently, they come in peace!

Oh my...what is with all the little puns lately? lol....too funny.
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By Kittie
My neighboor stopped by yesterday to rave about the windows. I told her to go watch the video and have her kids make her some. So we will see if they do! Her kids are teenage boys though, youngest is 13, but they might do it!
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By SaneInsideInsanity
i plan on ventureing out to get supplies to do sometoday they look so good....that andi;m going stir crazy on quarintine here
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By SuperSonic
thats all it takes :shock: i didnt think it was SOO EASY ima try that now :D
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By SuperSonic
Kittie wrote:My husband says now that we have 5 windowkins, we can't move, beucase they wouldn't fit at another house.
Kittie if your intrested in fitting them in another house all you have to do is add to your cardboard that youve already got so they fit in another window i remember my friend trying to fit one when he moved and i told him thats what he has to do and it worked for him im sure it can work for you :)
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By Kittie
Yeah, only sucks when the windows are smaller.
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By SuperSonic
well theres still a solution
cut around the window if the dimensions of the window are smaller than what u have then cut till it fits :D

i atleast hope these tips are good ones