Hey, what's new with you? Tell us about yourself.
By harrycaper
I've been quietly stopping by and buying your patterns whenever I've been living somewhere accessible by trick-or-treaters. No more flats in London for me, I'm back in my home town of Leeds, and am getting ready for this year's pumpkin fest.

There are pictures on my blog of some of the pumpkins I've carved since I first discovered your site:


There's a little tradition being born in my family - the last couple of years I've been creating a pumpkin in homage to Frank Zappa - as my dad is a big fan. This year's pattern is ready to go, just need the pumpkin:

http://thebarnumeffect.blogspot.com/201 ... great.html
Welcome Harriet, I used to Live in Leeds, (definitely NOT a good part)! ..missing the city & it's architecture ((& bars))

Nice to see another UK'er aboard, I guess you've seen Stoneykins funny walk kin?
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Greetings harrycaper, glad to have you here. Looks like your carving experience has taught you some tricks of pumpkin shading and other crafty skills. The Zappa designs work great. And thanks for the link to ZP too!
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By monstermash
Welcome to the boards harrycaper. Hice to have another Brit here. :D
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By purple1worm
Welcome to the patch!! Nice carves!