Hey, what's new with you? Tell us about yourself.
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By Mistress_of_Halloween
I just wanted to share with you all of the good news. My husband and I found out this weekend that I am pregnant with our first child.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
That's great news.... congrats! :D I'm glad you chose to share the news with your little pumpkin community here, and I love the title of this topic. A new seed in the patch, indeed. You don't know if its a boy or girl yet, but I do know what it is... a future pumpkin carver.
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By Kittie
Well Congratulations!!
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By Tkaraoke
That is awesome news! Glad that it happened now and not during carving season. I mean, we got to prioritize here! ROFLMAO!
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By Pumpkin Hunter
Congrats, now all you have to do is the exact opposite that I did with my little girl and yours will turn out just fine.
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By Mistress_of_Halloween
Thanks guys. We are both really excited. I'm sure the little one will end up loving Halloween as much as I do.
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By Crystal
Hey, they end up not having a choice. Ive got three boys that are all nuts about it. The little one (almost2) Is not too happy with the scary stuff but they out grow that. I ll tell you they all three were in my pumpkin last evening :lol:
By Cheef
congrats, always nice to hear of good news...
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By Batgirl
Congratulations! That's fantastic news!

A Happy Halloween, indeed!