Twisty would be pretty awesome. I am generally not afraid of clowns, but he scares the hell out of me!
Twisty would be pretty awesome. I am generally not afraid of clowns, but he scares the hell out of me!
Love them both! Carol has been one of my favorites on the show for a while now! And BBQ'd Walkers.... I can't wait to carve these ones! In fact, I might have to revisit all of the TWD patterns this year!
I would love to add the Master himself to my collection of foamies!
BTW - Ajax, where are you located? I am also in NB.
PUH-LEASE RYAN???? I NEED to have Riff Raff and Magenta!
HAHAHA! These are awesome Raven!
I sent info, but didn't realize the deadline. If any one else missed it and there is still time, I'd love to do this!
Love your take on the classic! The who thing was very well put together! Loving the boots and yes, you are a very brave man to be driving in those!
Great bunch of carves this year SS! Love the hitchiking ghosts!
Lovely photography DD. That Pennywise pic made me shudder, imagine walking along a road and seeing that sitting in amongst the leaves. I'd be looking over my shoulder all the way home. I can't comment on the faomies, us Brits are yet to get our hands on them. HAHA! I took that at 1:00 a.m. while ly...
I don't know if anyone carves the (large) Michaels foamies, but I found them terrible this year! Really hard and crumbly! So hard to get a nice clean cut. I am thinking about going back over them with the Versa tool to see if I can make the edges better. The small ones I did were fine.
Road Goat! Cool, I don't see that one carved every day. For a farm... that's fitting! Lots of kid friendly carves. Your neighbor seems to like Frankiestein. I think she's freaky fabulous too (shh, don't tell anyone). Winnie... Woody (cool hat!)... Buzz... and then Daryl to bring in a little rugged ...
Now that the craziness of Halloween is over:
So wishing I didn't have to work today.... I could be getting in some more carves!
All your carves this year look awesome! I bet you have one wicked case of carver's hand! Will there be any room left in your flat for you?
What to do when you have been up all night with a puking toddler? Why, carve pumpkins of course! I carved these two when he went for a nap before heading for a nap myself. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akam...