WAHOOO! Glad to see us back up and running! Feeling a bit more like Halloween now.
WAHOOO! Glad to see us back up and running! Feeling a bit more like Halloween now.
Yes, I think we need Mary and Sarah to complete the trio! Winfred is still one of my favorites!
These are amazing Teri! I know what you are saying by not feeling it this year... Wonder why so many of us had such an off year this year???
Awesome job as always! I also am a big fan of the staging on the Gene Wilder pumpkin!
Thanks so much everyone not one of my best pictures. It's hard to find time with a 1 and a half year old and two and a half year old to take a decent shot. I am committing to only doing 10 pumpkins this year where as I usually do 20 -25. So I am only going to pick the big hitters and Darth Vader is...
There was a post about this just recently in one of the suggestions forums... I was kind of bummed too...
Oogie is a finger puppet! They are my new obsession to make!
Bumping for Riff Raff and Magenta! The originals please!
Me. https://scontent.fbna1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12803247_10207105849439136_1046296446570610914_n.jpg?oh=153b14bb9da6cc6bc81fcd88acd7097c&oe=58A47958 And because it's absolutely terrifying, here is me and my husband face swapping. :P http://i64.tinypic.com/vdeu60.jpg BHAHAHA! J looks so good!
It's scary right? I have 19, 5.5 and 1.5 right now...Aylortay wrote:Ugh I know how you feel. My oldest turns 5 next week and I am still trying to figure out how that happened
Ajax, Where in NB are you? I am in Fredericton.Ajax wrote:Here is me and my 2 and a half year old daughter last weekend picking apples.
I am definitely in!
Mine arrived yesterday, but I went to bed right after putting the kids down so I didn't get a chance to grab photos. I will do so tonight...
Chewy, I just sent you my info.
Sooooo.. Is someone organizing a swap this year?