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Re: Hocus Pocus (Sanderson Sisters done)

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:38 am ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: Hocus Pocus (Sanderson Sisters done) ¦  Replies: 70 ¦  Views: 82090

Great edition. :) This carving season might see me all the way to thanksgiving. :D

Re: The Haunting of Hill House

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:02 pm ¦  Forum: Television ¦  Topic: The Haunting of Hill House ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 23038

Oh wow I didn't even know they had a series based off of that. Worth looking into for sure! The whole idea for Hill House was pretty gripping. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The story telling was very strong. I appreciated the way they went about telling everyone's stories but I honestly think that Carla ...

Re: Hocus Pocus

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:53 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: Hocus Pocus (Sanderson Sisters done) ¦  Replies: 70 ¦  Views: 82090

We are off to a good start with Billy, hope to see more in the coming years. :)

Re: Mega man/shovel knight.

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:50 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: Mega man/shovel knight. ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 12157

I really enjoy the idea of megaman as well. He is my favorite video game character.

Also, with that being said, I'm surprised that there is a video game section but hardly any Zelda patterns.

Re: What was the first pattern you printed? (I can tell you)

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:41 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: What was the first pattern you printed? (I can tell you) ¦  Replies: 68 ¦  Views: 89713

Patchmaster, is there no record of my first printouts?

Re: It Came From Outer Space!!

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:40 pm ¦  Forum: Personal Life & Introductions ¦  Topic: It Came From Outer Space!! ¦  Replies: 8 ¦  Views: 31995

Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I'll be sure to gather up all my old pictures of what I've carved and post them here. I hope I still have them but over the years I've carved: Harry Warden Michael Myers Boo Berry Frankenberry Jason's Mask Hannibal Lectar Dawn of the Dead silhouette Pirates of the C...

Re: 2018 Halloween Gift Swap - Photos and Chat

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:09 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: 2018 Halloween Gift Swap - Photos and Chat ¦  Replies: 14 ¦  Views: 62882

Will have to remember this for next year. :)

A Collection of Logos Over The Year

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:03 am ¦  Forum: ZP Site Discussion ¦  Topic: A Collection of Logos Over The Year ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 27556

Hi. :jack_o_lantern:

Would like to see a thread with a collection of ZP website logos over the years.

Just for fun. Putting it out there, no biggie.

The Haunting of Hill House

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:01 am ¦  Forum: Television ¦  Topic: The Haunting of Hill House ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 23038

I'm only two episodes in, but I figured I would start a thread for the series. Very impressed so far, but honestly thought it would have something more to do with Shirley Jackson's novel so when I started watching it (I could've looked at previews online to prevent any expectations, but I saw or rea...

Re: pagemaster1993's Pattern Scrap Book.

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:57 pm ¦  Forum: Stenciling Beyond Pumpkins ¦  Topic: pagemaster1993's Pattern Scrap Book. ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 30697

Would like to see your images re-uploaded.

Re: Disguised Christmas box pattern projector

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:55 pm ¦  Forum: Stenciling Beyond Pumpkins ¦  Topic: Disguised Christmas box pattern projector ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 34348

Very nice! I even want to implement this during the Halloween season. :p

Re: New 2018 Shop Items

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:51 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Shop Discussion ¦  Topic: New 2018 Shop Items ¦  Replies: 21 ¦  Views: 40993

As a suggestion, I would also like to see more long sleeves like the year of the Frankenstein logo. :grin:

Re: How do the forum ranks work?

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:49 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Forum Discussion ¦  Topic: How do the forum ranks work? ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 31935

From my bloody-disgusting days, I must say there was something to be envied when it came to ranks. Too bad those times are over both here, and there.

Re: Laurie Strode/Sam Loomis (Halloween)

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:47 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: Laurie Strode/Sam Loomis (Halloween) (Laurie done) ¦  Replies: 69 ¦  Views: 222126

What exactly goes into making a pattern? How come this idea hasn't come to fruition yet? It's the perfect time right now with the movie coming out and it being 40 years of Michael Myers.

Re: What was the first pattern you printed? (I can tell you)

 by OhTheHorror36 ¦  Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:46 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: What was the first pattern you printed? (I can tell you) ¦  Replies: 68 ¦  Views: 89713

Well, I remember the first pattern that I carved from this website was the Michael Myers silhouette but I believe that I manged to find the PDF from an unofficial source. But it was because of that pattern that lead me to decide to join and support; this was probably about 8 years ago? But since off...