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Halloween Xmas tree

 by matspud ¦  Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:34 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: post-halloween sales ¦  Replies: 13 ¦  Views: 18561

I bought a 6ft black halloween tree from the US a couple of years ago but still haven't got round to putting it up at Halloween. Hubby read that this year Black Xmas trees are the "in thing" so he wants to put it up for Xmas and ( can't believe this as he dislaikes my Halloween leanings) he wants it...


 by matspud ¦  Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:01 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Thank you forum users ¦  Replies: 8 ¦  Views: 13311

Hey My hubby is the same. he really doesn't get it. Mind you I did feel bad when my son told me I loved pumpkins more than him. ( Its not true really!!! I was doing it all for him Honest :)

Googeld napoleon

 by matspud ¦  Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:03 am ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: Most carved stencil poll ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 12444

Did Google search yesterday and found the film. Won't understand the fascination until I have seen it. Guess I have to put that on my To Do list.

Bidders list

 by matspud ¦  Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:45 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: selling stencils ¦  Replies: 26 ¦  Views: 34969

Just checked and ther is at least one bidder. Wonder if we should warm him.

Do you never Sleep

 by matspud ¦  Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:08 am ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: Most carved stencil poll ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 12444

Hey Ryan, Thougth you'd be tucked up sleeping off the effects of another hectic Halloween. Who is Napoleon Dynamite??????? I thought the system may keep track, I just wondered how many people,like myself, print them all then only do a few or run out of time and have to select their absolute favourit...

Most carved stencil poll

 by matspud ¦  Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:08 am ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: Most carved stencil poll ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 12444

Hi Ryan, Just wondered if you planned setting up a most carved stencil poll? It would mean a huge number of options and people could click all the ones they did. Might give you an idea of what goes best for next year.


Halloween traditions

 by matspud ¦  Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:32 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Trick or treating in your area- ¦  Replies: 55 ¦  Views: 80728

Was listening to the Radio yesterday and they were saying how Halloween started as a celtic celebration and a lot of the traditions started in Scotland, went over to the USA ,evolved and have started to come back in their new form. As kids we used to carve turnips ( blooming difficult Pumpkins are s...

Happy Halloween

 by matspud ¦  Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:22 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 11583

Happy halloeen Everyone. Hope you've got all your pumpkins carved, decorations up and costumes ready.
Have a great time.

Nicky x

PS Thanks to Ryan for the great stenicls. Again I have managed to amaze my friends.

Another one

 by matspud ¦  Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:18 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: selling stencils ¦  Replies: 26 ¦  Views: 34969

ebay item 6573408575.
Contacted and warned of breach of copyright. Most likely a member as right up to date with latest stencil!!!!

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