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 by GutterGuy ¦  Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:15 pm ¦  Forum: Real Pumpkin Carving Help ¦  Topic: pumpkin gutter inside - bad idea? ¦  Replies: 25 ¦  Views: 28975

I just wanted to chime in here quick about clean gutting. Most of the replies are right on. Here's how I keep it clean when using the Pumpkin Gutter: 1. Start at the top of the pumpkin and work your way down. This tends to push the mess down into the pumpkin and also reduces the number of strings th...

Re: Response from the inventor of The Pumpkin Gutter

 by GutterGuy ¦  Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:59 pm ¦  Forum: Pumpkin Product Reviews ¦  Topic: Pumpkin Gutter ¦  Replies: 132 ¦  Views: 831437

If you need some testimonials for your website I'd want to be the first to write one for you. This has to be the best thing to happen to pumpkins and carvings since the creation of ZOMBIE PUMPKINS.COM Thank you very much for the offer of a testimonial, but you've already given me a great one! If th...

Response from the inventor of The Pumpkin Gutter

 by GutterGuy ¦  Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:12 pm ¦  Forum: Pumpkin Product Reviews ¦  Topic: Pumpkin Gutter ¦  Replies: 132 ¦  Views: 831437

Hi all! It is very cool to read about the great experiences you're having with a tool that I invented :idea:. Thank you all for helping to spread the word. I am so impressed with the carving work that so many of you do and the sheer numbers of pumpkins you carve. What drives someone to invent and pa...