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Re: Spooky Crafts

 by Raven ¦  Wed Dec 14, 2022 10:44 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Spooky Crafts ¦  Replies: 4 ¦  Views: 52936

I usually make a quilt, but I ran behind this year. So I did something small with lots of satisfaction - potion bottles! I love those potion bottles! I have a small collection of 1800's era medicine bottles, some still full of the original crap that probably killed m...

Re: Miss You Guys!

 by Raven ¦  Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:56 pm ¦  Forum: Personal Life & Introductions ¦  Topic: Miss You Guys! ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 36999

I miss the forum being really busy. :confused:

Re: 2022 Halloween Gift Swap - Post Your Pictures!

 by Raven ¦  Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:26 pm ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: 2022 Halloween Gift Swap - Post Your Pictures! ¦  Replies: 16 ¦  Views: 63603

I got a box an amazing box of goodies from Lala (Lauren)! I was born and raised in Idaho. Moved away when I was 29. Part of me wants to say "Don't try the Idaho Spud bar" the other part of me is like "Oh hell yeah! Eat the spud bar!" I have a love/hate relationship with them. They are far better th...

Re: Guess the 2022 Site Title! (contest)

 by Raven ¦  Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:36 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Site Discussion ¦  Topic: Guess the 2022 Site Title! (contest) ¦  Replies: 35 ¦  Views: 59847


Re: Happy Halloween...

 by Raven ¦  Sun Oct 31, 2021 4:05 pm ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Happy Halloween... ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 33545

Happy Halloween!! :fangs: :jack_o_lantern: :ghost:

Skipping Halloween?!

 by Raven ¦  Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:05 pm ¦  Forum: Personal Life & Introductions ¦  Topic: Skipping Halloween?! ¦  Replies: 9 ¦  Views: 29009

As if 2020 was not bad enough, Halloween will not be happening for me this year. I don't keep it a secret that I suffer from depression, severe anxiety and PTSD, and while I take happy pills sometimes my mental state becomes out of control. These symptoms come in the form of a lot of sleeping, cryin...

Re: Raven and family's 2019!

 by Raven ¦  Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:02 pm ¦  Forum: Costume Advice & Photos ¦  Topic: Raven and family's 2019! ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 33623

Thanks everyone! I actually scared the hell out of myself, with myself. My husband was taking the pictures and then we'd hop back in the truck and drive over to the next headstone I thought might look cool. I decided to go back through the pictures and check to make sure they didn't all come out blu...

Re: Ryan's 2019 Halloween Costume - The Misfortune Teller

 by Raven ¦  Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:06 pm ¦  Forum: Costume Advice & Photos ¦  Topic: Ryan's 2019 Halloween Costume - The Misfortune Teller ¦  Replies: 8 ¦  Views: 33147

Crazy amazing! I feel like we should all bow down and chat "We're not worthy!" I hope you had decent weather and a large turn out of kids and adults to see you!

Re: Raven and family's 2019!

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:05 pm ¦  Forum: Costume Advice & Photos ¦  Topic: Raven and family's 2019! ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 33623

Bravo020 wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:11 pm
Your make-up is incredible!!!!

Thanks! It's my favorite part about dressing up. I am going to try this again since I messed up a bit. Not for Halloween, but just because. :smile:


Re: How was everyone’s Halloween??

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:59 pm ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: How was everyone’s Halloween?? ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 51366

It was very cold, windy and we had rain and snow. There were a lot of kids out but not for long at all. It was probably the quickest trick or treating we've ever done. It was still Halloween and still fun though!

Re: Few morning pics..

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:48 pm ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Few morning pics.. ¦  Replies: 10 ¦  Views: 49327

The photos are gorgeous. I especially like the spider webs. There’s a way you’re supposed to be able to spray a web with a fixative to stiffen it then slide a piece of paper behind it to attach it, but I’ve never been to do it. I did this a few years ago. I purchased some black card stock paper, it...

Re: So quiet.

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:10 pm ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: So quiet. ¦  Replies: 22 ¦  Views: 85623

I feel like the option to like or dislike a post has taken away a lot of people actually posting something. I get a lot of likes on things but not an actual conversation. I've used the like button a few times, but I still try to actually comment on the posts. Comments lead to more actual conversatio...

Re: A different way to obtain Pumpkin Seeds

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:03 pm ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: A different way to obtain Pumpkin Seeds ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 35254

That is really cool to watch, but all I could think of is they are destroying all those beautiful pumpkins! :cry:

Re: Chief Brody and Bruce (Jaws)

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:57 pm ¦  Forum: Costume Advice & Photos ¦  Topic: Chief Brody and Bruce (Jaws) ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 22759

Too cute!

Raven and family's 2019!

 by Raven ¦  Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:51 pm ¦  Forum: Costume Advice & Photos ¦  Topic: Raven and family's 2019! ¦  Replies: 7 ¦  Views: 33623

I decided this year I wanted to be a ghost, simple and easy right? Yeah, until I decided I should glow and that a white face wasn't going to be enough. I tried using EL wire for the glow but didn't like it so I used the little "fairy" lights on copper wire. They made me look more like a sparkly Elsa...

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