Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
By MyrtleRob
Figured I would share my newest creation. I really need to take pics of the real pumpkins I carve for my folks too (I do a ZP Grinning Jack for them each year). Anyhow here is my Scarecrow on a Funkin.

By MyrtleRob
This is my 2012 pumpkin. I decided to give Funkins another shot last year. The Michael's pumpkins work really well with "2D" patterns, but I havent been very successful with shaded patterns. I am stoked to see the actual art behind the pattern though! Not sure where I got the pattern. I keep all my patterns in a folder. The ZP ones are the only ones with a logo. I need to delve into that VIP section this year!
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By chuckwagon
I've always wanted to do a shaded foamie, but was never sure how it would turn out, and I didn't want to waste a perfectly good 'kin if it turned out crappy... I usually buy the gemmies, so it's nice to know that they aren't as good for shaded patterns as the Funkin brand. Maybe I'll pick up an extra Funkin this year and do some experimenting in my "laboratory" this season. Thanks for the info, and again I must say that is a beautiful pattern!