Trading tips for dark displays and prop production.
Edited post Halloween: Here are a couple finals shots from the event. If you'd like to see all of the pictures and how everything was made, check out the posts below.




.................................. the original thread ..................................

So, the thread title sort of gives it away, but I'm going to have a Frankenstein theme this year.

I plan to make a photo spot with a sign that will look something like this:

And a separate area on the stage for Dr. Frankenstein's Laboratory. I want to have a couple tables. One with beakers and science stuff, and one with some old equipment. I'm going to see what I can get my hands on.

I'm also going to make a table with some tesla coils on either side.

I'll add some chains, skulls and spider webs here and there. Maybe some big storage boxes/crates. Are there any other props you think I need?

What do you think is good for a backdrop? stone walls? brick?
The stage flooring is hardwood flooring. Not much I can do about that.

What do you think would be a good Frankenstein theme game?
Last edited by mesmark on Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
helmut liked this
Love this theme, and your sketches look great. :frank: If you imagine Dr. Frankenstein working in some old castle laboratory, it really opens up a lot of options for decorations. You can have the stone walls, chains to hold the monster, spiders, bones, and crates as you mentioned. For science equipment, you have both the chemistry side with beakers and test tubes. As well as the sparking electronic devices. It doesn't matter if the function of the equipment is clear. The more random and archaic, the cooler and more mysterious it will be. Here are a couple links and images I had handy, to get the gears turning, so to speak.

Specimen jars?


Some realistic props for inspiration

Thanks for all of the great ideas!

The idea that the machines don't need to have a real/understandable function was very helpful. It seems like that will make more sense for a crazy scientist lab. I'll probably have some torn apart computer bits as well.

Specimen jars. Check! I have some creepy looking things and I'll make some more. I might back light them with a rainbow spotlight that I have. It just goes through a rotation of red-blue-yellow. It's not too bright so it should work well.

I'm also going to try to make that Frankenstein bowling set. That will be a great game if I can find the right ball.

I did get some work done this weekend. I made 3 ZP mascot pumpkins last year and I was hoping to add to them. So, I started 3 more:

The plan:
I wanted to make Laboratory and Curse. Then I needed one more and I wanted to keep to the jagged mouth. So, I drew up a third pumpkin, not a mascot, more of a ZP rip-off. He kinda looks like Dawn's older brother Chet.








I didn't really like my version of a ZP rip-off and then I though "Hey, why not use a ZP pumpkin but not a mascot?"


I still need to sand and paint them but hopefully I'll get that done by this weekend. It's nice to have some momentum. :frank:
I always like to see how you realize these mascots in 3D layers. Love the raised stitches/staples on the Laboratory guy. And "Chet" :lol: Sure, he fits right in. The proportions of Dawn, but with the vampiric fangs of Age. Ah, but Horton is perhaps an even better choice. Child friendly and part of the ZP family, for sure.
mesmark wrote:Pagemaster and Raven - Thanks! These guys turned out pretty good, so I'm happy.

I'm not sure they'd make the shop, but Ryan could definitely sell a line of figures.

Ryan - They are a bit different from the originals,but they work. And, they look great as a set.

"pretty good" !!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: