Chronicle your costume creation and share photos of your disguise.
Here are some photo of my costume for Halloween 2012....

Would you give candy to this trick-or-treater?


Wrapped up in my work.


I like the lighting and backdrop in this photo.


Carving pumpkins like this has got advantages. If I cut my finger, there's lots of bandages.


A face only a mummy could love.


Practicing my lurch and groan.


These pumpkins are all part of my pyramid scheme.

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By Zombie Pumpkins!
A bit about the process...

I've had the urge to be a mummy for a few years, ever since I got into that band, Here Come the Mummies. Seeing them live in August (and meeting the band after the show) pretty much cemented the idea.


Not to mention the fact that I bought a couple mummy Halloween decorations this year, and designed a couple new pumpkin patterns of mummies... including THE Mummy, Karloff's version. This just seemed like a year for the mummy.

If you'd like to be a mummy in this style, you can follow the same steps. First I collected the components. From Goodwill I picked up white pajama pants, white shoes and a white turtleneck shirt (made of Egyptian cotton, fatefully enough). From Walmart, the cheapest set of white bed sheets I could find (twin size) and the cheapest box of 100 tea bags I could find. From the Halloween shop, white gloves, white and brown grease paint, and powder.


All in all, the supplies probably cost me $20. This might be the cheapest costume I've made in quite some time. However, it was probably one of the most time consuming, due to the all the sewing. But we'll get to that.

First step... "age" the sheets, shirt, pants and gloves using handfuls of teabags in giant buckets of hot water.


Soaked for several hours, then dried to set the color. Then washed, to make sure I didn't stink like a tea house. As you can see, compared to this piece of white paper, the cloth took on a nice sandy shade.


Then I cut slits in the bed sheets every couple inches...


Tear at the slits and there we have our mummy wraps..


And then the "fun" part. Sew on the strips, one by one by one by one. Let me mention... I haven't really used a sewing machine since the 7th grade, when we had a class that required us to make a simple pillow. So this amount of sewing was quite a crash course.


Had to cut the seams of the sleeves and pant legs, so I could sew the strips on flat. Then turn the shirt/pants inside out to sew a new seam.


It gets quite awkward to sew onto every inch of the clothing. Sewing on the edge is easy. Trying to get the needle onto the middle of the garment without sewing the front to the back... well, it will drive some to madness. Thankfully, it's okay to be sloppy. Mistakes just add to the look.


Once the shirt, pants and gloves (fingers cut off) had their wraps applied, I tried it on. Let me give you some advice. Start with a shirt/pants that are loose to begin with. And try it on periodically, during the sewing process. Because once you sew stiff bedsheets onto every inch of your clothing, it will no longer have ANY give. Putting it on is akin to giving birth. Wearing it feels like being in a full-body straight jacket. And trying to remove it involves the same frantic contortions you'd see in the death-defying act of an escape artist. God forbid I had to use the bathroom. Oh, but we creative types suffer for our art, don't we?

Although my face would be mostly covered with bandages, I paint myself up first. With the white and brown makeup, I aimed for an aged and sandy look. Set with powder. Lots of powder, even in my hair. Mummies should be dusty, right? White contacts and tooth-black were applied for a rotten mouth look. Despite the HOURS of sewing work, it was the 5 second application of tooth black that got some of the most attention. Just goes to show, it's all in the details.


I sewed a cowl for my head, which covered my neck as well as the sides/back of my head. Holes were cut out for my face and for my hair to the spiked out the top. I tied some strips of the fabric around my head like a headband, across my nose, and around my neck. All the excess dangling bandages just adds to the look. I also knotted long bandages around my wrists, elbows, knees and waist... all so there would be more of a random look, with strips dangling in the breeze.


Not the most comfortable costume, and I don't want to see another sewing machine for a long time. But I'm happy with the result, and glad to have another creation hanging in my costume closet beside the zombie, hunchback, cowboy, mad hatter, scarecrow, etc.
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By nosferatu
That's stunning and yet again, professional standard. Love the care and attention to detail you put into the costumes. All that sewing! If I ever do this, I'd have to use Wonder Web, a sort of iron on contact fabric adhesive as I wouldn't have a clue where to start with a sewing machine.

The make up is stunning as it is every year, I love the teeth! Fabulous job, it looks amazing!
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By pagemaster1993
I had a feeling your costume was going to be a Mummy this year. With two Mummy related patterns released, the cover of your mix c.d. having a Mummy on it, and all the talk you have been doing about Here Comes The Mummies. Great costume Ryan, as always.
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By MooBoo
Love the costume, and such a great idea, i may have to try this next year. :D
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By amandap80
WOW, great job!!!! All you needed was some of the Tooth Decay paint! I used it for the first time this year, and it is truly disgusting.
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By SuperSonic
This is one of the best costumes you have done in my opinion! Fantastic work as always. I hate sewing to begin with, I cant even do it with a machine! Nice job pairing it with this years theme, Age of the Zombie Pumpkins.

Can`t wait to see what you brew up next year!
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By Raven
Wow, Ryan, that is just amazing! While everything looks fantastic the time you put into sewing all those strips on is even more amazing. When I first started reading I was thinking how great your mom is for doing all that work, but you have proof in pictures that you did indeed sew! I'm not even sure I would have had the patience to rip the sheets apart.. :P

As for giving you candy, just from the look of those teeth I would have to deny you. They are truly disturbing. :)=
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By monstermash
Terrible mummy joke #1: Why don't mummies have hobbies? Because they are too wrapped up in their work. Thank you, thank you i'm here all week.

Classic halloween costume choice Ryan. Im glad you upgraded form the old toilet roll job. Very nice. And you're handy with a sewing machine, back off gals he's mine! :wink: :lol:
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By Raven
monstermash wrote: back off gals he's mine! :wink: :lol:
No way! I live closer to him! :P

I can just see Ryan dating someone here. Can you imagine if he didn't make the patterns she wanted each year? Then again if she isn't a member and still wants a pattern we may start seeing patterns of little fluffy puppies and kitties..
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By Lala
Ryan, your costume is pretty badass! I love it!