Talking about spooky store scores and online oddity offerings.
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By Raven
Two days ago I suffered a concussion, a few days before that I got sick. I'm telling you this because I may not be in my right mind, if I ever was in the first place. So if I post strange things, like say taking a video of a snow globe, I'd like to use all that as an excuse.

So I went out shopping unsupervised today with some money from my wonderful husband to get some things for Christmas gifts that I am making. He said "That's CHRISTMAS money". I stopped at Walgreens and what do I see? A Halloween snow globe, and not just any snow globe, but a Nightmare Before Christmas snow globe! As many of you know I have a Halloween snow globe collection (addiction) and how could I pass it up? I hear my husbands voice in my head.."Christmas money..." but The Nightmare Before Christmas IS a Christmas movie, so that makes this a Christmas purchase! Right? Back me up here, minions.


Oh, and did I mention it has a fan in the bottom so it blows the "snow" by itself? It's so awesome I could die. If I do, Ryan gets the Jack snow globe and the rest of you can fight over the others. :P

Yeah, and I video'd it. Even I think that's kinda strange.

Last edited by Raven on Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By MooBoo
That is so cool! And i have to agree with you, it is 'technically' a christmas purchase! Lol :D
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By monstermash
Im sure there's someone out there with a snowglobe fetish that will love your video! It is a pretty irresistible addition to your collection so I don't think your hubby should be too annoyed. I hope your feeling better though RD. A concussion isn't fun at all. Although it would be a brilliant excuse for making loads of ridiculous halloween purchases. "What? I spent how much? Oh, goodness! It must have been the concussion...Whats that, you can't find the receipts? Oh well we'll just have to keep it all" :wink: :lol:
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By GeordieKin
Ooooh! I love this. I bet they never make it to Newcastle shops, but if they do I'm getting one. I love that film and often listen to the soundtrack as I work.