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By Pumpkin Hunter
I should hope not, regarding Texas. As for picking on Chuck, I don't know what else to say. I feel that there is nothing else we can do for you. Apart from perhaps lock you in a room and show Chuck films 24/7 until you admit he is great.
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By nosferatu
I'd admit that now rather than endure that hell!!!!

Chuck's mum has just rung my mum to tell her that I've been calling him names. My mum says I have to apologize, so....

Chuck, I would like to apologize for calling you a ginger. I would like to apologise for saying that you cannot act. I would like to but I'm not going to!
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By SaneInsideInsanity
nosferatu wrote:I'd admit that now rather than endure that hell!!!!

Chuck's mum has just rung my mum to tell her that I've been calling him names. My mum says I have to apologize, so....

Chuck, I would like to apologize for calling you a ginger. I would like to apologise for saying that you cannot act. I would like to but I'm not going to!
hey wait a second here I;m a ginger don;t go classing us all with chuck norris, you know he can deliever a kick that can shatter xbone into the crotch of indiana jones.... i know i couldn;t do that, he chuck norris g.damnit
Yes diss Ginggers at your peril (my tomcat is seriously offended, the cat that rules the roost with a paw like the fists of chuck (but paws naturally) ..3 henchboxers that cower when he's around!

..and I go strawberry blonde in the sun, so watch it! ....not forgetting the distinctly gingerish goatee from being a sweaty sock
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By knightofni1275
Right! back to the point of the thread!

They say the Manhattan Project wasn't to harness the power of the atom, rather to harness the power in a single roundhouse kick from Chuck!
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By nosferatu

Action jeans. Anybody know where I can buy them?
By ZPjames
Chuck Norris. Yes.
Last edited by ZPjames on Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Pumpkin Hunter
Why is it men are gingers and women are red heads? Why does that colour make a man a laughing stock and a woman sexy? Nature is strange. Anyway back to Chuck, I loved the jeans advert, would write more but I am laughing far too much! Nos, you crack me up, need to search the web for more Chuck related fun.
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By Dans banana Loafcake
Pumpkin Hunter wrote:I should hope not, regarding Texas.
Dude your from Inverness! As for Chuck! Well Jesus walked on water, chuck swam through land... nuff said! I'd love to see a patten of Chuck! He's a leg end...ehem... legend!

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By pagemaster1993
Remember folks Chuck Norris does not carve pumpkin the pumpkin carves Chuck Norris. Yes I would carve a Chuck Norris pattern.