Classics or modern, discuss your picks for the sickest flicks.
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By pagemaster1993
monstermash wrote:Looks like Regan. Similar eyes.
That was exactly what I thought.
By Ajax
This movie was Groovy! Check it out and stay until after the credits role. It's not as lighthearted as the original but its an enjoyable ride and hopefully opens the doors for Bruce Campbell to come back as Ash since it seems to be making money. It's not scary more gory but I really enjoyed it and can't wait for a pattern :D .
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By ghostface
I went to see this yesterday and I agree with you Ajax, it was indeed "Groovy!" Not as good as the original, no, but it was pretty excellent. Very cool and gory take on it. I was so happy after the credits. :wink:
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I hear it's light on story, but heavy on gore. If it's got some surprises, some tribute to the original, and lots of practical effects (not all CGI) then I'm sure I can appreciate it. Hope to see it in the near future. Maybe it will inspire a new pattern (even if it's another pattern of the older movies). Speaking of which, I hear they might make another one with Bruce Campbell, as in... Army of Darkness 2? Now that's interesting.
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By monstermash
Went to see it today and was a bit disappointed. No where near as good as the originals. Infact, for me, it was like they took out all the great stuff that made Evil Dead what it is. Just proves again that all the money and best special effects in the world can't make a fanatstic film. I don't think it's terrible, I do think it's forgettable and and don't think i'd watch it again. Very light on story and heavy on gore, which has about had its day I think. I wasn't on the lookout but nothing really jumped out at me as far as tributes to the original either.
Gimmie Bruce Campbell any day baby!

A not-so-groovy 4/10 for me. I couldn't wait till the credits rolled as I had to run for a bus so missed whatever happens then.

Its strange I should have mentioned Regan in an earlier post as thats exactly what the girl reminded me of, too much like the sort of things the demon says in the Exorcist.
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By Raven
I kinda liked it, but movies with a lot of gore are usually boring to me. I think all the slasher flicks I watched as a kid desensitized me or something. :) Still, it wasn't an awful remake. I know a few teens that loved it, but sadly did not know there was an original. :cry:

Fans of the original should watch through the ending credits.
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By ghostface
RavensDestiny wrote:I kinda liked it, but movies with a lot of gore are usually boring to me. I think all the slasher flicks I watched as a kid desensitized me or something. :) Still, it wasn't an awful remake. I know a few teens that loved it, but sadly did not know there was an original. :cry:

Fans of the original should watch through the ending credits.
I'm the only one of my fellow teens in my town (that I know of) that enjoyed the remake, and seen the original.. Kind of depressing really... :lol:
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By vibhandaka
I watched this not long ago and did not like it. I feel that the gore was gratuitous and unrealistic, which I never like. The reason that I like the original Evil Dead is because it's quirky and original. This movie was just gross.