Classics or modern, discuss your picks for the sickest flicks.
That’s right, the franchise will continue into 28 Months Later following the incredible 28 Days Later and the so-so 28 Weeks Later. Danny Boyle will be returning to direct this third episode in the series. His absence from the director’s chair was obvious in Months, although he executive produced. The first film was beautiful, even in its horror and starkness. The camera views of wide spread desolation were amazing and riveting. The infected, zombie-esque creatures RAN and attacked with realistic violence! Unheard of and now everyone wants to ape it. Look for it in 2011 according to IMBD and Danny Boyle himself![/i]
do you think by film 3 we'll be worthy of a stencil?
By The Vlad Hatter
Hard to say. Unless they change up the looks of the zombies or come out with some type of iconic character, probably not.
By Ajax
I still think Gas mask is the way to go. I think it could be a pattern.
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Hey Gus...I too think 28 Days was fantastic. 28 Weeks was ok if not a little gratuitous. I actually had a nightmare the night after I saw 28 Days in the theater. Zombies at a full sprint are scary as he!! :twisted:
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By SaneInsideInsanity
I loved the first film and am very excited to hear boyle will be douing the 3rd the anticipation :O