Display some killer Halloween artwork you've found or created yourself.
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By zombombie
Hello all! So I'm a mere 90 minutes from having my Japanese inspired sleeve finished but I had to show you this part now that it's coloured:


I know that Cthulhu isn't Japanese but he stays in the water and seeing as my sleeve is water based I wanted him in there. He's a little more green than he looks in the pic. On the other side is a koi dragon with 2 koi and a skull at the top. I'll put more pics up after it's done if people are interested, but It thought you'd like to see Cthulhu first :)
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By MooBoo
Wow! That is cool 8) i like all the details, thats got to be a very unique tattoo. I hope you show the finished design. :D
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By ghostface
That looks awesome! Can't wait to see the finished product.
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By sloaner
That is so cool. When you get a chance post more pic's.
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By staticfurball
Very nice, I'd love to see the other side.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I'm always impressed with the commitment to get a sleeve. Cthulhu looks great, as do the surrounding elements. Compliments to your artist. If I were to get a tattoo, I'd probably get something equally colorful.

Even if Cthulhu isn't Japanese in origin, he does fit the the aquatic theme. And surely the Japanese have their fair share of mythical monsters, from dragons to Godzilla.

And yes, of course we want to see more pics of the rest of this tattoo!
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By ghostface
Excellent! I love all the colors. It looks amazing!
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By sloaner
Cool, I always wanted a tattoo but am a wuss. You are going to run out of room if you keep it up EZ :lol: . I think sleeves look better than just 1 or 2 tattoos here and there.