Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
As some of you have probably noticed (and many have already used), there is some new functionality in the Gruesome Gallery area.

You are now able to submit photos for the gallery (and contest) by uploading directly to the site. Once approved, it will appear on the site and you'll be sent a direct link to your photo, so you can show it off to friends.

I'm rather excited about putting this feature into use, as it was a lot of technical work to get it running (most of the coolest features you don't even see).

But perhaps the greatest reason for me to be excited is that I no longer have to sort through several thousand email attachments. With the hardest and most tedious parts handled automatically, this means photos can be added to the site much quicker.

In fact, there are already over 60 photos in the 2009 Pumpkin Gallery, including carvings of patterns released mere days ago!

So if you've already started carving and photographing your work this season, feel free to try it out and upload your photos. Anything submitted will be considered for the 2009 contest.
Last edited by Zombie Pumpkins! on Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By nosferatu
Gizmo and Pretty Poison seem popular so far which is interesting.

Great that we can upload automatically to the gallery too. I think you will be inundated with photographs this year
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By gregh3196
This is a great addition and one i am very happy to see, nice job Ryan.
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By SaneInsideInsanity
great addition Ryan. Can;t wait to give it a pin.
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By purple1worm
Yay!! Very cool Ryan. Unfortunately I haven't carved any yet!! But soon.
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By Kittie
Awesome Job Ryan!
you obviously did this just for me then Ryan
..(yes I'm incredibly delusional)
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By nosferatu
This might sound like a stupid question: When I try and upload it won't let me do so. It appears that there is a limit of 2MB per shot - the properties of my photos average about 4.8MB. What am I doing wrong and does anyone know how to rectify?

Thanks, yours technologically challenges, Nos.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
To go easy on storage space, processing power, and bandwidth, the uploader is currently set to have a 2MB size limit per file. Any chance you can submit your more shrunken down versions rather than the big raw one?
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By nosferatu
I'll give it a go :D
Nos, If you have windows office (though arty types are mac users AREN'T YOU!?) ..then theres a very instantaneous shrinking device, fashioned courtesy of one Mr Gates, very handy indeed, ...I may have to upload lot's of whimsey & nonsense, ...ready for a brou-ha-ha?
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By nosferatu
Thank you both for the help. I have worked out how to do it now.....its so simple when you know what you are doing