Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
By Ajax

How long does it take you to make a pattern. Does it take you less time now then when you first started? Do you have all the patterns made before the season beings or do you make them on the fly. Is this your full time job or do you have a job besides this.
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By vibhandaka
Good post Ajax! I was also wondering if this was your full time job, Ryan. Also...boxers or briefs? :lol:
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By nosferatu
Ajax forgot to request if you could please let us have your credit card and bank details and social security number it would be very much appreciated.

Boxers or briefs? More like the Borat Mankini!
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By paddy_babe
I like this, he is after all our patch master :D

I always wondered if ZP was his full time job aswell lol
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
:?: How long does it take you to make a pattern?

Depends on how complex it is. A very basic one might be knocked out in under 30 minutes. Also, a "unique Creation" might take less time because I have total freedom to design it however I wish. Patterns take longer if it's a famous face, and I want to really make sure I nail down the likeness.

The average "moderate" level pattern might take a couple hours for the whole process. The last one I did (Edward Cullen) took about 2 hours. But that was just the attempt I made last night. There was so much pressure to do a good Edward pattern, I can't begin to tell you how many hours I spent attempting the character. The design you see on the site is actually the 7th attempt. I spent at least an hour or two on the other 6 that you'll never see.

:?: Does it take you less time now then when you first started?

I don't usually time myself, but I assume the process gotten quicker. My style has developed over the years, and I have certain "tricks" I use. Specific ways I draw hair, ways to create connecting pieces around mouths and eyes, methods for testing the structural stability. So it's more rare these days for me to get stumped and say, "How am I going to accomplish this?!"

:?: Do you have all the patterns made before the season begins or do you make them on the fly?

I try to do a handful of patterns before the new site launches each season. In case I get really busy with other duties, it's nice to have some "backups" ready to go, so I can keep posting them on the site at a steady pace.

But for the most part, I like to do them on the fly. It feels more organic that way. I like to listen to the feedback (here on the forum, in my email inbox, etc) and see what the hot topics are.

I enjoy taking requests. People seem impressed when they give me a cool idea which totally changes my plans for what the next pattern will be. It's like a big community project, in a way. You all help shape what the site becomes.

:?: Is this your full time job or do you have a job besides this?

Making a career out of Zombie Pumpkins is the goal. People always ask me, "What do you do the rest of the year?" and my standard response is, "Plan for the next Halloween!"

Many of you tell me how you appreciate all my effort, but I don't know if the average person just passing by this site really understands all that goes into it. I do most of it by myself, which means several hours per day packing up shop orders, more hours designing patterns, more hours answering support emails, more hours adding other content to the site.

During late summer, and especially September and October, it's more than a full time job. It's an "every waking hour job." At the end of October, sometimes sleep takes a back seat and it becomes a "24 hour job." It's as if you took all the work that the average person does in a year, and crammed it all into just a few months.

But I can't complain, it's a great gig. People always say that the best job is one you love. And I love what I do.

:?: Boxers or briefs?

Boxer-briefs. With pictures of little jack-o-lanterns on them. :wink:
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By paddy_babe
ok can I ask a question now?

Do unique creations just 'hit' you or do you play around abit?
where do you find the time to carve yourself? Have you a fave pattern? what part of Ireland is your family from?

ok... maybe more than 'a' question :P :lol:
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By SaneInsideInsanity
Thanks for the answers Ryan :D...Does this mean we can keep quizing you...Favorite food? What Super Power would you like to have if any? :P
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By SuperSonic
im to agree with the "ramblers of the site" :P
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By paddy_babe
SuperSonic wrote:im to agree with the "ramblers of the site" :P
ohhh does that include me? :D :D :lol:
By The Vlad Hatter
Ever thought of brining in help?

Get your friends to chip in around Halloween to get orders out or something like that.

You've got a lot of talented people on this site, you could probably hit them up for random things if needed.
How much food gets caught in that beard?
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By Raven
GUS wrote:How much food gets caught in that beard?
No no Gus, Ryan has a goatee.. my husband has a beard. A big beard. A fuzzy full beard. It's huge. And it catches a lot of food. I guess that's a good thing since it prevents things from falling onto his shirt. Some have called his beard fantastic. I hate it. A goatee however is nice.

Sorry..just venting about a beard.. :)
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By Raven
KILLER KLOWN wrote:Hey Raven...Gus is right, Ryan has joined the beard club :wink:

Beards=cool :!: :lol: Just think about it...Billy Mays :D
Oh no.. the beards must go.. :P

O.K. so I don't really have a problem with beards..just my husbands..because it's huge.. very fluffy.. there is no trimming involved.. :wink: