Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
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By Euri
One of my favorite things about new patterns is adding them to the collection. I have categories that mostly match the pattern categories here (except I combine the heroic headliners and Movie Monsters to Movie Madness to put heros with villians). But there are times when I'm not familiar with the source of a pattern so I dont' know what category to put it in. For example the Hulking Zombie from a couple of years past looked pretty cool and thinking nothing more I stuck it with Unique Creations until someone's post clued me into the Movie Monster bit. I guess these mostly apply to the VIPs since the others are categorized. Right now I know where all the VIPs come from but when they are gone from the site I prolly won't remember the ones I'm not familiar with and might end up stuffing them in the UC category.

So my suggestion (finally): is it possible in the future to put a reference on the pattern print out like what we see on the website? Maybe just even itty bitty little letters for those of us uneducated in everything? :?:
Not a bad idea. Something I can consider in the future, although I'm not in a big hurry to edit the currently existing 300 files (already did that twice this year, to correct printing issues in Chrome and I.E.)

In the meantime though, if you're not sure where a character is from, you could hit up our old friend Google. Or you could just ask me. I usually do some heavy research on each topic I turn into a pattern, so I can probably give you way more trivia than you even need to know. ;)