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By nosferatu
Yep, especially the free funkins to all participants.....
& now the canadians are ganging up on me too!

Damn tooque wearing canucks! :lol:

That's the last time we take local hitchers up to the mountain!
Run em down Run em ALL down!
By Ajax
Gus, not cool making fun of Canadians.
Last edited by Ajax on Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ajax wrote:Gus, not cool making fun of Canadians. Not a way to make friends on a forum.
I LOVE candians Ajax, I only wish i'd been on the boat when my relations first went over,... sheer affectionate jealousy I assure you, we spend as much time as we can afford in Alberta each year (between 2 & 7 weeks per year)

I would love to be wearing a tooque in the CORRECT location (say tooque over hear & people think i'm referring to a long dead celeb presenter) ... :lol: beanies over here.

I live in the flattest part of the country, no good for winter sports, even resorted to snowboarding on a tow rope behind a car on the road!
By Ajax
Alright then just making sure you know what we are all aboot eh? I'm going skiing now talk later. :wink:
..Definitely! ..& you know the thing that makes me want to move & live in canada? ..frankly We know around 20 times more people to stop & chat / have a beer with than we do in the area I've lived in for the past 7 years! :shock: ..just a few miles from where I was born!

We are somewhat recognised faces in about a 60 mile radius of Banff, the staff at Calgary airport look out for us, upgrades & just to say it's about time you were back, we were wondering where you'd got to (type of thing).
Locals passes & discounts..
Moreover we are continually gobsmacked at the amount of people who try in small ways to help get us out to Canada, offering advice on changes of the law & how to take best advantage based on how they see immigration into Canada.
We love the fact that kids are bussed in from Calgary every week to have phys ed on the mountain in the form of ski-ing.

& the amount of really un-fit people 9at least in that area0 is minimal with sport taking place all over & people actually walking places!

We are smitten with our experience there.
By Ajax
Thats the rich good part of Canada I'm in NB :). Nice in the summer if you like lobster, fish, beaches, lighthouses, camping, water sports. Not much to do the rest of the year except carve pumpkins and whatever else i can get my hand on of course. There are ski resorts etc but we get alot of snow mixed with rains in the winters although last winter there was alot of snow. I've never been to Calgary or Alberta it's cheaper for me to go to Cuba then travel in my own country, but i would love to see that mountains etc some day. Furthest i have been in Canada was Toronto which was pretty impressive kind of like a smaller version of New York.
We were gutted when Zoom airlines went down, luxury class ofr cattle-class prices!

Think i've a spread of relations over towards you actually (i need to check) ..never got to see em as we never have enough time away!
Watersports, Lobster, fish Snow & pumpkins! ..blooming perfect to me! ..your snow sounds like french alpine snow to me!
How low does it get (temp wise where you are) ..I'm happy in minus 40 if it's as dry a cold as i'm used to.
By Ajax
anywhere from -15 to -25 c usually with a windchill factor which makes it much colder.
By Ajax
One good thing about it here is there is never a shortage of pumpkins like some people in japan complain about. There are always plenty every Halloween. I usually get about 20 of them for family and friends etc.
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By Mistress_of_Halloween
The Maritimes are great for Pumpkin Growing that's for sure, and the cool weather allows for the pumpkins to last quite a while after carving.

I live in the middle of what we call Snowmobiling Country, near Oxford NS. Unfortuately the weather hasn't been agreeing with us the last few years.

If you ever get the chance to visit the Maritime Provinces I highly recommend it. Although the summer and fall are the best times. The beaches and lobster are great in the summer and the fall is best for all of the scenic rural roads that are around.
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By SaneInsideInsanity
im on praries -60 with windchill and nothing to do in winter which is 8 months of the year the other 4 are construction :P
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By SuperSonic
I just happen to be in Ontario :roll: where you hear of the government that does nothing for your country...wanna know how the political system works..................................................IT DOESNT :lol: also theres a fair bit of snow in the winter but it depends on the start of the year (first snow)we as a family tend to go skiing but during the past few winters its just been snowball fights :P
Ajax wrote:Wow that don't tell Gus section is pretty awesome.
yup, tis a veritable psychadelic dreamscape of stencils, unicorns & 1970's album covers
By Sam_hain
what, am i understanding this....there is a secret part of the forum?? with special things?