Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
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By SuperSonic
I'll take the 12th :)
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By SuperSonic
Dadja wrote:
SuperSonic wrote:I'll take the 12th :)
You can't: I did :)

Damn, your right!! Then I shall take....*drumroll* Sept 11th, and to accompany this release date a tribute pattern to the date!
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By Euri
I have good feelings about the 18th! But like everyone else I'd love to be proven wrong for a much earlier date. Here we go for the pumpkin season!! I really wish Halloween lasted 3 months instead of just two. :D
The guesses so far seem packed firmly in the middle of the month. If history repeats itself, this seems a good guess. DoomCookie, you are quite optimistic. adam you are patient or perhaps just trying to be realistic. Honestly, I have good reasons to believe it could happen sooner or later. It really could do either way.
By Ajax
I'll take the 19th just cause its all that's left.
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By punchi
I'll take the 21st! It would be an awesome way to kick off my anniversary weekend/mini vacation! But I really hope it will be sooner than that... :D
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By adam
Zombie Pumpkins! wrote:The guesses so far seem packed firmly in the middle of the month. If history repeats itself, this seems a good guess. DoomCookie, you are quite optimistic. adam you are patient or perhaps just trying to be realistic. Honestly, I have good reasons to believe it could happen sooner or later. It really could do either way.
Hahahah! Hmmmm, im pretty impatient :D Perhaps more realisitic, I know it can take alot of time to get things online and working properly. Excited and looking forward to it ryan!
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By Tkaraoke
matspud wrote:15th please - its in the middle :-)

Mind you I would be happy to lose out to someone with an earlier date - the sooner the better :D :D :D

That's the only date I really wanted so I'm just going to sit back and wait. I need to start doing a supply check!
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