Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
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By Kittie
Poke ya again Ryan!! :P
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By SaneInsideInsanity
I didnt enter but i am curious
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By SuperSonic
far as i kno i think i did but i cant remember
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By Kittie
I can barely remember what photos I entered, but I know it was ALOT of them.
I promise to post this year, really, honestly, even if Ryan ends up having to upload em, I hate these photo accounts due to privacy & traceability.
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By nosferatu
GUS wrote:I promise to post this year, really, honestly, even if Ryan ends up having to upload em, I hate these photo accounts due to privacy & traceability.
Up to something you shouldn't have been eh, Gus?
Yes, such is life. ..the fact that a prolific poster has nothing to show! for several seasons now! ..not that I really care, it's about carving.
After enduring so much of the media in the late 80's & early nineties I prefer the veil of anonymity on the whole.
..i'll be holding the camera or a mere blur if in front.
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By nosferatu
Trying to think of names famous during that period. Are you Luke Goss?
No, nor am I the fat one from Brother Beyond!
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By Kittie
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By amandap80
I take it from Ryan's little blushing pumpkin he hasn't picked winners yet.I was cruising the forum looking to see if I missed the announcement. I am still running my display outside as we speak, and taking lots of pics!
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
The winners have been chosen (and some notified) but I ran out of time before Halloween to post the official announcement. I had planned to post a little gallery of the winners well before Halloween. Then things got busy. Then busier. And then, unfortunately I had to say, "Ah, I'll have to do it after Halloween."

It might not make a lot of sense to announce 2008 carving contest winners AFTER Halloween 2009 but it will happen soon, now that my work load has slowed down.

And I also want to point out that with the new user upload gallery system, sorting and picking the winners will go a lot easier with the 2009 submissions. So keep those coming!
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By SuperSonic
Have you posted this in the newsfeed? I cant seem to findout who won.
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By Kittie
So you know who the winners are? I can't even remember what I thought I might have a chance for from last year, I think it was most Zomibe Pumpkins carved or something like that. I know in 2007 we were runners up in that one.