Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
..the "Cheers Ryan" signatures on the Shaun of the dead poster is such a British thing. :lol: :lol:

Typical Pegg & Frost.
what do you perceive yourself doing if you lost the a thumb / fingers in your lead (drawing / designing, eating, nosepicking hand)...

(apart from crying) :D
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By SaneInsideInsanity
Yes slightly stalkerish....but stragley still would be complemantary....I wouldnt know how to feel about it it would depend on the person doing it. however if someone who i wasn;t dating ie a friend did it i would find it a laugh riot.
how much $ is a stencil in terms of time (typically) of design concept to finished product?

..& how exactly do you feel when others so blatantly rip them off.

If not pumpkins, what would have filled the void?
what is the mentality of a pumpkin smasher when the effort is so obvious? (iyho)
judging by previous pics I can guess the answer, but will ask regardless.

Do you keep an on the hoof doodlepad for spontaneous ideas or is work on prospective stencils limited in the main to your incredibly organised & dust free office area?

who keeps the office area so clean, mom or Ryan?
At what point have family members screamed "Enough with the damn pumpkins" ???
"'s me or the pumpkins, choose"
How would you field that one from a partner who got antzy as your presence evaporated towards the season?
how has server space expanded over the years?
would any child of yours ever be affectionately known as "pumpkin"
or is that one step too far?