Pumpkin patch practices and gourd garden grooming.
Hi boys and ghouls...

I've been meaning to post these pics for a while now. They are from a farm called The Red Barn Farm in Weston, Missouri. I've been to several places and if you live in the KC area, you need to check this place out. At the time I visited, they had tons and tons of awesome carving pumpkins.


The top two panels show some of the best carving pumpkins I have come across. Almost every one of these are the perfect size and shape for a ZP stencil. I was shocked over the quality of the pumpkins and was wondering what happened to the ones that didn't make the cut. They're probably plotting even as we speak.


They also had several huge piles of other kinds of gourds there. I wish you could get the sense of scale from the pics because these things are pretty big. The last panel in this group are actually pretty damn big pumpkins. I'd have to say they are in the 40-50 pound range. I was really surprised how smooth the skins were on these and I thought I'd pick one up and do some multiple carvings on it.

I haven't been there since I've heard of the "mold" issues so I've been thinking of going back sometime next week and crossing my fingers that they haven't had any problems.
By Pumpkingrower
I would love to get my hands on one or two of the gourds (bottom left, top panel) What a challenge they would be. thanks for posting those pics.. Makes me wish I had decent size farm around these parts. My favorite patch said they had a "bad" year and won't be opening, so they yahoo story had me spooked.

Again nice pics.
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By Tkaraoke
I'm wondering just how much truth there is to this story or if it's the media just looking to for something to write about. Seems like nowadays they seem to try to scare more than they try to inform. However, with reports like yours, it makes me think that it's more than just hot air. I'd hate to think that some of my fellow carvers will have to do without pumpkins this year and I'm crossing my fingers that it doesn't happen.