Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Not carved any yet, but I do have these...


Will probably carve just the one this weekend (shake off some of that "carve rust"!)... Now the hard part. Picking the pattern...
Last edited by zombombie on Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:35 am, edited 11 times in total.
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By amandap80
Lovely! I have 3 so far, buying more this weekend! :D
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By nosferatu
Probably not worth the 500 mile round trip but I will bear them in mind. I'm off on the hunt for the orange prey later.
By Ajax
They look great now you only need about 30 more :wink: . So orange my favorite color.
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By SuperSonic
Those are just gorgeous pumpkins!!! Can't wait to see them carved!
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By zombombie
I watched a bunch of Simpsons Tree House of Horrors today - Devil Flanders appeared!


You can see the rotten spot to the left where the super bright 10mm red LED is shinging through!

I managed to cut through BOTH his pupils so I took a couple of pieces of 'kin and stuck them right on there ;) I think it did the trick.
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