Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
By reignman40
Wow that turned out nice. Very good work.
By balsak40
How did your church receive it? I'm always interested about what churches might say with Halloween/Pumpkins...

good stuff! :D
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By Mush-Mo
Actually, It went over GREAT! Our pastor LOVED it, and I got tons of comments from people at the dinner. But, then again, our church usually hosts a Halloween (not harvest, autumn, etc.) party every year for the kids!
By balsak40
We have the exact opposite at my church. Hary Potter, Pokemon (anything cult-toy like) is frowned upon. My wife loves the pastor there it's just that the congregation (sp?) is so stuck up on it's old ways that I can't stand going there. You volunteer to help out but they won't let you. It's a shame really.

It's good that you got an awesome feedback! Keep it up! :D