Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Halloween's almost here so I had to finish up my foamies today so I can carve real pumpkins this week. These were all done on Michael's 13" pumpkins which I was not a big fan of this year. Rigid brittle foam caused detailed area to break off and peeling paint made them tough to get smooth lines. However the stick n carve was a godsend! It allowed me to carve more foamies than usual and for that I'm grateful. Thanks for looking!!

Last edited by Killed by Death on Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By Ajax
They look really awesome. I had no idea jaws and frozen took place in the same blue universe :) . Love the colors, what are you using to light the. Group shot is pretty impressive.
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By Pumpken
These carves are great.

I am interested in how you lit the blue ones. I can't get my blue Christmas light to do the job on my BYU pumpkins. There is something about the absorption of blue light that makes this difficult. But your looks great. Please share you light source.

Pumpken wrote:These carves are great.

I am interested in how you lit the blue ones. I can't get my blue Christmas light to do the job on my BYU pumpkins. There is something about the absorption of blue light that makes this difficult. But your looks great. Please share you light source.


Thanks for all the kind remarks everyone! I love seeing all of yours as well! These are all lit by LED tea lights from and I'm very happy with them so far. These particular lights are submersible which I liked in case of rain on Halloween but they have cheaper ones which are not waterproof. They come in several different colors and I paid about $15 for a 10 light pack. They're also tiny. Only about the size of a quarter. Here's a comparison pic of the blue light from my Howler pumpkin lights and these. The Howler is on the right, the tea light is on the left. I'll post a proper review in the reviews section.
Killed by Death, you did a lot of foam pumpkins! Very cool. Clark Griswold and the Frozen pumpkins will serve you well beyond Halloween. I can see those being displayed through Christmas!

Haha, love the two jack 'o lanterns with the arms. That's what's great about those... you can really create a story. And the facial expressions chosen really work.

Also, very interesting about the lights you used! I may have to look into those. I agree, blue can be hard to photograph, but your lights seem to perform well!
Thanks for the tip on the lights, bought a bunch and tested them out (post halloween) and they look great. Plus living in Portland having waterproof lights will be handy. My foam kins I left outside had inches of rain in them a few days after halloween.