Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
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By punchi
Here he is, everyone's favorite serial killer! Please excuse my attempt at shading! I was using an xacto knife and a screwdriver,lol! :lol:

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By CorpseBride
pagemaster1993 wrote:
CorpseBride wrote:Wicked!! Did you buy these black or did you paint them??!? I haven't seen black foamies around here...if I did...I would have bought them ALL! lol
Yeah you can buy them black at Michaels.
I have come to the conclusion that my

Btw....wicked job on Dexter!! And personally I like the shading as it is...kind of mysterious...
By Ajax
:shock: awesome Dexter, your right ryan the tiny pic doesn't do it justice this pattern is (serial) killer. Just moved up to my # 1 fave so far this year. Can't say an Evil Ash or Reagan pattern won't push it down the list but you did an awesome job on it and this is a great carve to punchi i think i'll steal your idea of the logo. Where do you store all your foamies?
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By punchi
Ajax, right now, all of last year's are in my mom's attic. Soon they will all be on my back porch so I can look at all of them. Then after Halloween, I'll probably try and convince my husband to let me keep them in the garage, lol. I'll have to rent some square footage in his man cave, lol.
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By nosferatu
I am absolutely gobsmacked at the clarity of both your carves and photography.

Awe inspiring my friend. Marvellous!
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By purple1worm
Great job on all of them! It's cool to see the new ones carved !
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By Pumpken
Great job on the Dexter carve punchi.
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By Dredge
Wow, these look good! Im jealous.
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By punchi
Finished out my foamies :cry: Now I'm waiting for the big weekend!




I also did a real one (rotting) but I didn't get a pic. HOWEVER here is an awesome grandaddy longlegs eating guts off my gutter!


And here's a bunch of them together!

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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Awesome work, punchi. You've been busy. The latest foamies look awesome. I'm jealous because you're carving some of my favorite patterns and they're looking so good, it makes me want to carve! I'll have my moment, at some point this month!