Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Wicked dude! Respect. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Ken, you are the ultimate carver. That pumpkin patch at your wife's school is outstanding. Your carves always look so smooth and perfectly flawless. Outstanding job as always.
Truly amazing work!

you had a couple of patterns in there that caused me to swear quietly under my breath when I was looking through this string.

Ken, you're a machine. Clearly a robot sent here from the future. Please don't enslave our human race when judgement day arrives.

Cool panoramic shot of your display at the school. Good way to get all the pumpkins in one shot. I watched the video of the first graders, trying to listen for any favorite characters being shouted about. Couldn't decipher any actual words though. Just excited kid noise. :P

Oh, I loved seeing your selection of real pumpkin Zombie Pumpkins designs. That was very cool of you to set them up together like that. I'm curious, how do you decide which patterns to carve in foam, and which ones you'll carve in real pumpkins?

Well, now that I think about it, I bet your decision making process just involves you saying, "I'll carve.... all of them."

Somehow I missed responding to your questions last year. My main motivation for carving real instead of foam is that I like real pumpkins, but don't want to spend hours on them just to throw them away again. I pick patterns on real ones that I can carve in a reasonable amount of time and that are cool looking. If I could carve all of yours I would.